
He is Risen Indeed!

This morning at 5:45am we arrived. For the next 20 min they came. Just a few families, but they came. We stood in the middle of the park as the sun began to rise through the patchy fog. The birds were singing, and the 6 kids who had come with their parents were playing. As we gathered our thoughts and attention we read the Story.

It was the first time I had led such a service. A friend had put a lot of leg work into the deal. Asking all her neighbors. We weren't sure how many would show, and it really did not matter.

I refused to turn such a sweet time into a 3 point lesson with a challenge.

Some words were said about hope, joy and purpose, and we read John 24. Rather than get all caught up in the facts of this day, I ask our small group to allow the emotion of the event to seep through. Feel the pain and hopelessness they must have felt. The loss of their leader had just taken place. They felt alone and abandoned.

a glimmer of hope sprung up over the lack of a body...His body. Could it be? Could He be...?

and the ecstatic joy of seeing Him alive. Risen! ALIVE!

we prayed and went down the street for a 3 hour time of food and fellowship.

I got it for the first time. The resurrection was such a joyous occasion, and yet we seldom celebrate it in that way. We talked, laughed uncontrollably, shared a meal together and talked of the goodness of Him who was not dead. It was a joyful time. A time of refreshing.

certain friends seem to refresh you with their zest for life. Their realness seems to be "other than." such was the case today. The God who struck down His own Son with the wrath that was meant for me, and you, showed His love and compassion and acceptance, and joy, and complete love for us...Through that same Son who was no longer in the grave. He did these things through the laughs, the kind words, the hugs, the food, the atmosphere of celebration we were in together.

a real taste of community was available today. It is a taste that will remain on my tongue for quite some time.

He is risen! Risen Indeed!

all Hail King Jesus!


jimmy said...

He is risen indeed!!! What a wonderful way to start the day. Our church's Easter service focused on the Sacraments; Communion, and Baptism. It was really a really beautiful story to tell on Easter Sunday. It was a real life way to identify with Christ' death (communion), and resurrection (coming up out of the waters of baptism). We had communion where people served each other at 8 stations, and then we had a baptism where about 15 people were baptized. It was amazing!! Happy Easter....
He is risen.....
He is risen indeed!!!

Panmillennial said...

Nice Bro!
I wish we could do just that for more of our "Services". It's nice to hear about true worship and fellowship. God bless.
