
Signs of Faith

The Terri Shiavo situation has come to a sad end. My heart aches for the family. All the family.

cases like this have been going on for a while. This one has made national headlines, so all the "faithful Ones" have come from every corner of our great land.

each time a news up date comes on the TV, we see them. Signs of faith. A few that really represented the faith...,

"Barbara, Are you proud of your sons now?
"George Bush, Stop killing Terri"
Thanks for the memories Jeb...
judgment is coming George
Jesus does not want Terri to die

they all come out of the woodwork when their cause gets noticed. The funny thing is, they all claim to be followers of Jesus. I watched the other day and while they were praying, one was holding up a sign that said...God hates murderers.

at some point, before all the National folks showed up, before Jesse Jackson showed up, before the parents let their kids get arrested, before one guy who was being arrested told the officers to "get right with God and give Terri a drink of water", before all that...This was about a woman named Terri.

but like with most things, she got lost in the agenda. The life agenda. The death agenda.

reminds me of how the church got lost in the agenda. The music agenda, the money agenda, the program agenda, the ministry agenda, the contemporary and traditional agenda, the clothing agenda, the language, and the mega agenda. In all the madness of us all holding up our signs, we forgot about Jesus and His agenda.

what is His agenda? People.

he did not ask them to bathe before He loved them...Did not ask them to change their language...Did not ask them to join a church, did not ask them what kind of music they liked...So why are these things so important to us???

we changed the agenda from people to stuff. We use people to justify our agenda.

no? Tell me how many folks you have told what Jesus is doing in your life? How many did you tell about Jesus? How many folks did you dog out cause they do not think or talk like you?

hold that sign up a little higher...That's it...Nice and high. We may be able to see it on camera...


"My give a damn's busted"

Heard this song on the radio as I was looking for something to listen to. although I am not a big counrty music fan, this song caught my attention. not becasue of the message, but the attitude. "My give a damn's busted."

I went to our weekly meeting with the homeless guys we minister to. only one showed up. we ate home made chicken and dumplings. I left my Bible at home, along with a couple of other things I wanted to bring, so we ended up hanging out on the front steps talking. we talked about cars...he smoked.

I was especially aware of how people looked at us as they drove by, or when they stopped when the light turned red. actually, no eye contact was made when they stopped, mostly they looked when they drove by. interesting looks.

lessons learned over the last few weeks have been so needed in my white bread life. I asked Jeff how people treated him, if they talked to him or ignored him, if he had any friends. "most people are nice enough but few ever speak, they just smile and walk on by." all his friends are at the Christian Coffee shop he volunteers at each week end. he take out trash, makes coffee, helps clean up. I love that...a homeless guy volunteers! any one feel that pain? it felt like a little reminder that we ALL can do something.

He is convinced he is a believer. after 3 months of seeing him at our church and spending the last couple of weeks with him, I realized I had not asked him about his relationship with Christ. "I don't always act like it, but I am saved." sounds like a lot of people I know...especially me.

we hung out for about an hour. we will meet again next week.

Dignity and friendship. these are the things I believe Jesus would have me offer this man. seems to me, if we offered everyone these things, maybe the world would be a little different.

next time you see a homeless person, remember this. They look like Jesus. just like we do. they have needs, just like we do. they need love...just like we do. they need friendship...just like we do. some need clothes, shoes, and maybe cigs. some need a meal. they all...excuse me, we all need Jesus and we all need love.

don't turn away next time you see one of "the lessor ones," as some call them, at a stop light, or passing by on the street. smile, speak, say hello. allow the Spirit to be the grace that person may need.

I am thankful that Jesus "give a damn" AINT busted. and after a long time in the shop, mine seems to be working again.

How is your give a damn?


He is Risen Indeed!

This morning at 5:45am we arrived. For the next 20 min they came. Just a few families, but they came. We stood in the middle of the park as the sun began to rise through the patchy fog. The birds were singing, and the 6 kids who had come with their parents were playing. As we gathered our thoughts and attention we read the Story.

It was the first time I had led such a service. A friend had put a lot of leg work into the deal. Asking all her neighbors. We weren't sure how many would show, and it really did not matter.

I refused to turn such a sweet time into a 3 point lesson with a challenge.

Some words were said about hope, joy and purpose, and we read John 24. Rather than get all caught up in the facts of this day, I ask our small group to allow the emotion of the event to seep through. Feel the pain and hopelessness they must have felt. The loss of their leader had just taken place. They felt alone and abandoned.

a glimmer of hope sprung up over the lack of a body...His body. Could it be? Could He be...?

and the ecstatic joy of seeing Him alive. Risen! ALIVE!

we prayed and went down the street for a 3 hour time of food and fellowship.

I got it for the first time. The resurrection was such a joyous occasion, and yet we seldom celebrate it in that way. We talked, laughed uncontrollably, shared a meal together and talked of the goodness of Him who was not dead. It was a joyful time. A time of refreshing.

certain friends seem to refresh you with their zest for life. Their realness seems to be "other than." such was the case today. The God who struck down His own Son with the wrath that was meant for me, and you, showed His love and compassion and acceptance, and joy, and complete love for us...Through that same Son who was no longer in the grave. He did these things through the laughs, the kind words, the hugs, the food, the atmosphere of celebration we were in together.

a real taste of community was available today. It is a taste that will remain on my tongue for quite some time.

He is risen! Risen Indeed!

all Hail King Jesus!


He is not there!

The implications of Jesus bearing the complete wrath of God in our place is yet to be realized. The reality of the resurection must be at the forefront of our daily lives. He is alive! He is alive! He is ALIVE!!!

Life should be celebrated with all the joy we can muster. He has purchased our freedom. Let us live with the fervor in which Jesus took on the cross. Let us love with the same passion that drove jesus to remain on the cross when He could have spoken and legions of Angels would have been at His beckon call.

A true believer should no more live with out joy than for a fish to live with out water.


Lift your glass to the One who was, is, and is to come!

All Hail King Jesus!!!


Getting hammered

Getting hammered just took on a new meaning for me.

Last night, I spent about 2 hours with a man who has given 24 years of his life to serving Jesus. We shared our journey of life together. Honesty, authenticity are just words to some people. Not with this guy. He shared his soul, asked me to peek inside, look at all the scars, hurts, joys, failures, and triumphs. All this was laced with the intoxicating aroma of Jesus Christ.

Today, I spent a few hours with a dear friend. We talked about our journey of life. We spoke of what had been and what could be. As we talked about what could be, I was once again intoxicated with Him.

I was hammered.

little back ground.

for 16 years, I lived in a world that most believers that I know have heard of, but few have ventured into. The darkness of addiction is heavy. Evil is not a word there. It is a reality that one lives with daily. Evil has an odor, a foul odor, yet is is as intoxicating as anything I have ever ingested into my body.

actions and words that came from me during those years have been washed clean, yet the memory of that remains. Not from guilt, but memory. Scars, thought processes. These remain.

to be "delivered from the domain of darkness and transfered to the kingdom of His beloved Son" was and is an amazing thing. Still brings a smile and a tear to my face. Such love and such grace...Such freedom, such a God.

the stench of religion became vile and deststable to me. Yet for most people I know, that aroma is like incense.

when I am in the presence of genuine people who seek to drench me out of the overflow of Jesus in their heart, the result is getting hammered. Week kneed and with out concern for my surroundings. I want more...more of that spring that wells up in those who spend time with Him. More of those words of acceptance and understanding and concern.

I walked away from these 2 meetings completely intoxicated. I could barely drive. At one point today, I had to pull over and just enjoy the dampness of what had spilled from the glass from which we had drunk.

who we are and who we think we are often 2 different things. And still, there is what others think we are. Talk about your multiple personalities.

raw and blunt. Those seem to be my deal. Still could be nicer. Still could be more understanding. Still could be a bit more patient. It is difficult not to be gun shy when so many rocks have been thrown. But I am trying.

but you ever notice that Jesus did not run after the rich young ruler? Sometimes he leaves us to our own destruction. Sometimes he pursues us.

Like in my case. When He met me on that road when I was coming back home...He sure smelled good that day.

what a familier smell...


A bit of reality to choke down

We began our weekly Bible study yesterday for a few homeless guys. Only 2 showed up. We fed them some pizza, and realized rather quickly that we needed to spend some time getting to know them. So rather than a Bible study, we spent over an hour just hanging out and getting to know these guys.

sometimes I forget how good my life is. I was reminded of how blessed I am yesterday.

most of us look for a reason why folks are homeless and try to fix it. After all, Jesus does not want people to live like that. They just need to have more of a quiet time, seek Jesus with their heart, do good and everything will turn out good.

both these guys are some what mentally unstable. Probably no more than me, but it is evident when you spend some time with them. So the quiet time theory was shot down.

neither of them drink nor do they do drugs. Both have been coming to our Church service for a few months. Both have similar stories. Things just escalated to a point they lost control. One sleeps in his car, the other sleeps in bushes.

I asked them why they don't stay at the shelter.
"cause you have to stay up all night just to watch your stuff. When ever you doze off, druggies and drunks steal your stuff." "it is easier for me just to sleep in the bushes somewhere, at least I can get some rest."

I asked them about the day labor deal they both work at.
"I get sent out on jobs about once a week. Mainly cause the drunks who wet themselves and the druggies cause a scene and the jobs go to them so they can get them out and stop bothering people."

the cops roust them up from time to time, keeping them out of the downtown square. "they do that so all the big time horse ranchers and big time money folks don't have to see us. Like they are gonna have to look at us or something."

My buddy who was there with me asked me, "how do we relate to these guys?"

I have been thinking of that over night.

I am not sure I can relate. I have never been homeless. Although I was a junkie for a number of years, I was on the street by choice. All I could come up with is this. We are to love them, accept them, treat them with respect, show them some charity, and ask Jesus to guide them. We cannot fix their problems. Or can we?

I asked them "In an perfect world, what would you want for yourself?"

one said..."A room with a bed, a place to shower a few times a week, money for cigs, and a place to do laundry."

the other said..."A place to do ministry, like a rescue mission...And a puppy."

I guess when all else has left, the simplest of things become more important.

I woke up this morning and thought. My bed seemed a little softer last night. My wife was more beautiful. My rented home was a castle. My job suddenly became more interesting. Breakfast tasted better. Salvation was sweeter. Doing laundry was not as big a deal.

all these things were not sweeter cause I have this and those guys don't. It was not better cause I was better off. It was not cause I was blessed and they weren't.

they were sweeter because I realize I actually appreciate what I have. For the first time in my life, I am not looking for a bigger house, bigger and nicer car, for more electronics, more clothes, more stuff, more money, more of anything...But Jesus.

life can be a bitch. Stuff happens that we have no control over. Stuff happens that makes us angry and bitter. Stuff happens that build us up and tear us down.

perspective is key. The way we live and the things we have and the things we want can all be put into perspective when we look outside our comfort and talk to some one who has nothing, and doesn't really want much.

mine changed. Over pizza and a couple of smelly guys just talking...About life. Real life.


Gladiator, Testosterone and Christianity.

Saw Gladiator last night.
I love the opening battle scene. "What we do in life, echoes in eternity." Maximus

I thought about what Jesus one said...Matt 11:12
12 "And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and violent men take it by force."

I wonder sometimes if we spend to much time trying to make Jesus cool. I wonder sometimes if we spend to much time trying to make church a cool place. I wonder sometimes if we spend to much time setting up a buffet for people to choose from, and continuing this consumer mentality.

we certainly cannot beat people into the Kingdom of God. So could it be that it is our attitude that must be like that of a warrior? Maybe we are to fight for those we share with...Never giving in, never quitting, always looking to infiltrate the enemy camp, always willing to cross enemy line with the hope of being able to save just one.

Testosterone and Christianity.

fighting for what we know to be true. Not begging, not mamby pamby actions. But actions that show others we are their to rescue them from the "domain of darkness."

My son is in Iraq. Separated from his wife and son for a cause. Whether or not you agree with the cause does not matter. He does. And he is willing to lay his life on the line because he does. As he once told me, "I am a Marine dad. That is what I do."

can we as believers be no less willing to lay our lives on the line? For freedom from sin and eternal life with Jesus? How can we sit by and not understand that the wrath of God will manifest against all evil and wickedness?

the good news is the one we are being saved from, God himself, actually saves us. Saved from God by God, for God.

I pray my attitude towards those who are deceived by the evil one, those who are in need of salvation, would be as though my own family...And I would be willing to fight for them. The cool thing is, the battle is won. We just need to tell every one the victory has been won...At the cross.


Speechless...yes, it is true.

I have been having some pretty good conversations with a Witness who has been coming by the house for a number of weeks. There is no point in trying to "win him over", as he is very indoctrinated in what he stands for.

we were talking about getting the word out about what we believe. He asks me, "how do you share your faith?" I told him that my preference is to begin a dialogue with people I run into each day, usually about their thoughts on Spiritual issues, then move into a discussion about Jesus. "how bout you?" I asked. His answer disturbed me.

"Would you agree that Jesus gave us specific instructions about sharing?" "yes" I said. "would you agree that Luke writes in Acts that the Apostles went house to house and shared their faith?" "yes, I would agree with that as well." then he said it...

"there is no one else, NO ONE ELSE that goes house to house as much as we do in this country, and all over the world. We believe in what we are doing. If you actually believed in what you say you do, why don't the Baptist, you are a Bap[tist aren't you...Why don't you go house to house if you have such a great love for Jesus and a great love for the people who do not know Jesus???"

I stood there stunned and speechless. Why? Cause he was right. I was ashamed. ashamed to be called a child of Jesus.

Oh, I could throw out the old..."Oh yea, well you are in a cult, or, oh yea, your bible is different and it even aint a real bible, or, oh yea, I love Jesus...I had a quiet time today and I don't drink or smoke, and I look at porn just a few times, and I only talk about my brother just a little, and.... I had nothing except to say...You are right".

the truth is this person who does not hold to the deity of Jesus was more passionate, or at least driven than I have ever been.

Looking outward to blame the "Institution", as I call Her, for the ills of the believer has been way to easy. Fact is, She is made up of people like me. People who sit and do jack. People who take advantage of grace, people who talk a good game but do not get involved. People who live in theory.

So today I shared with a guy on a job site I delivered to. "ever think about Spiritual things?" I asked as he lit up a smoke and offered me one. "I used to" he said, " but most of you guys in church are assholes." "What do you mean" I asked.
"You say one thing and do another. It got old and so did the church." "It is not about church, it is about Jesus" I said.
"Then why is that always the first thing you all talk about? Thanks, but no thanks."

as I drove back to the shop, I realized something. 2 times in two days I have been left speechless by 2 non believers. Silenced by truth. Ashamed over my lack of fervor and lack of infiltration for the world, I was left standing with nothing to say but "you are right."

so what now? I can't stop. They need to hear it. Every one needs to hear it.

then I realized something else...At least some one said something to these guys. At least someone had the guts to get off their ass and say something.

I am 42 years old. Been around Christians most of my life. No one, absolutely NO ONE has ever shared the Gospel with me personally.

that is rather odd to me. I am willing to bet that there are more like me out there.

I challenge you to join me.

30 days...
Share with 30 people...
the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Talk about March madness!

anyone got the onions for that?

or shall we just sit back and watch the game...as usual


The point is...

I do a great deal of reading. blogs, books, scripture. I enjoy it. I also do a lot of talking with folks about what I believe to be the problems with American Christianity and the American Church. Call it a hobby. It must be a hobby, cause I do it a lot, and I seem to enjoy it.

the blogs I read are somewhat interesting. Some really look for truth to invade their lives. Others look to tell of their greatness and wondrous ability. Others are just full of crap and their foolish pride. I tend to fall into the last category.

with so much wrong in the word, you would think that by now we would get the point. Politics is not the point. Christians in politics is not the point. Wake up people, politicians use us and our votes like whores and tip us with a taxi ride home after the election.

I was told by my mentor that I was trying to re-invent the wheel. There may be some truth in that. After all, it is not the wheel that is broke, but the idiots, like myself, who try and use the wrong materials to build it.

on the other hand, there are problems. So what is the point?

of all the conversations and situations I have discussed with people over the years about the church, politics, people and what ever, what I have not heard from them, or me is the point...

People need Jesus.
we do not share Jesus with those who need Him because we do not really love Him. We are not grateful for the love He has shown, and the death He died, and the Salvation He gives.

we are not broken over our worldly desires and worldly actions with things like...Divorce, racism, spousal abuse, immorality, lack of integrity. And because we are not broken over our state, and realize we need to be fixed by His grace, we do not see the need to change.

we have lost the wonder and awe with our great God. He has become a person of convenience, a person of want. We do not want Him, we want relief from life. No pain, lots of money, no sickness, no death, no wonder, no awe, no big God. Just manageable deity.

there is no joy in most believers. There is nothing about most Christians that draws unbelievers to God because there is no joy. Sadness over temporal things zap joy away from the child of God. Happiness comes from stuff, so we tear down our barns and build bigger ones.

we refuse to take responsibility for the rearing and Spiritual direction of our own children, leaving that to ministers and teachers. So sex during the middle school years is out of control, disrespect is rampant and true love waits is just a cool thing a youth minister does to keep his job.

the point?
brokenness over sin, repentance, love for the Son, passion for the lost, ministry to others, joy in life.
what else is there?

the precedidng has been an introspection. you probably suffer from the same problem I do.


Pagan viewpoint

Every morning at 7:15, my friend the pagan who works next door comes by. Each day we re-hash the important news and activities that go on in our lives. Martin is a good hearted guy. He is lost, and hard about his lostness, so developing a relationship for the express purpose of sharing the Gospel has been difficult. There have been moments of light, but we remain friends.

what I like about our morning discussions is his viewpoint on the world. He sheds a tear when an animal is hurt, yet speaks in disgust when the don't care attitudes of most people are sent his way.

last week it was Disney. His disdain for people who wear Christian t shirts and show they are no different than others is scary.

this week he has been sick. So the opportunity to pray for him and let him know has opened a door of trust. He is sharing more about family problems and situations. I believe the HS is preparing his heart. It is cool to see.

I think about my situation, my church in light of the situations my friend deals with. We are in the process of a new plant. 6 months into it. Same people still there, same problems followed us. And we wonder what our purpose is.

life seems simpler to Martin. We make our lives way to complicated. We make our faith way to complicated.

I love my pagan buddy. I love his honesty, his realness and his outlook on life. We loose that as Christians. We loose the desire to be real and live with zeal. We loose the sincerity of telling others about what God is doing in our hearts. So we have to have classes only a few folks come to so we can have a formula to share.

Marin sees life as it is. He takes things as they come.

we see life as we think it is. We are seldom honest with ourselves and our motives for doing what we do. We justify our actions rather than magnify Jesus. And my biggest problem, we throw rocks at what we do not like because it makes us uncomfortable or we simply do not like it.

I am ashamed that my pagan friend has a more honest look on life than I do.


Wading through chest high mud

The last few days have been a little difficult. Nothing has happened out of the ordinary, (but my son going off to war) yet my attitude has been somewhat somber. My daily time with the Son has been difficult. Like walking through chest high mud. Slow and tedious.

but through the difficulty, we must carry on. To develop the discipline to maintain and continue on is very difficult. In the past, during these "dark nights of the soul" as Tozer calls them, It was easier for me to just sit and wait. not read, not pray, not do anything. just wait.

no longer.

I have forced myself to read the Psalms. 5 per day. And this morning, it was if a ray of warm sunshine had broke through a weeks worth of rain and clouds. The warmth of the Word of God relaxed the tenseness of my lack of desire as they soaked into my heart like a misty rain on a summers day. It was like receiving a massage to tired and achey muscles. The words of David flowed through my soul and nourished the dry and parched banks of my soul. it was Refreshing and satisfying.

the heaviness of life can be overwhelming. Mundane tasks can often rob us of joy and vigor. Events come in to our lives that keep us from true fellowship with the Father. Fear can divide us from much needed time in the sacred scriptures. This has been my portion these past days.

Thanks be to God for His life giving, life sustaining, life changing Word. Thanks be to the Holy Spirit for His teaching and encouraging ways. Thanks be to the Son for His work before, during and after the Cross.

may we remain people of the Book. May our desire always be to return to the Book for encouragement, love, food, and satisfaction.

life is a highway...I want to ride it all night long...