
He is not there!

The implications of Jesus bearing the complete wrath of God in our place is yet to be realized. The reality of the resurection must be at the forefront of our daily lives. He is alive! He is alive! He is ALIVE!!!

Life should be celebrated with all the joy we can muster. He has purchased our freedom. Let us live with the fervor in which Jesus took on the cross. Let us love with the same passion that drove jesus to remain on the cross when He could have spoken and legions of Angels would have been at His beckon call.

A true believer should no more live with out joy than for a fish to live with out water.


Lift your glass to the One who was, is, and is to come!

All Hail King Jesus!!!

1 comment:

lee said...

Skynard's He's Alive 'just' so happened to be playing in the background @ work as I read your post...

how appropriate...

You said use God as your guide my son don't you know
He's alive, he's alive

Oh yeah
But now you have gone and I'm on my own
But I realize one thing, one man is never alone
But I wish that you were here right by my side
I would love to tell you that I know
He's alive
Oh yeah, all right