
Night Moves

I love it when Jackson just sits with me. these are times that are fleeting and must be enjoyed with much affection. I like it when he sleeps on my shoulders.

Most of my reading as of late has been spent with John. Each morn about 6 am, I roll my big booty out of bed grab a cup of java, and head to the ole chair under the light.

This morning, I had the priveledge to read again the account of the Last Supper. Small things catch my attention each day as I try and not rush through something my eyes have seen many times before. Hints of danger each day have come as Jesus freaks people out about commitment. You can amost smell the disdain the religious had for Jesus.

but today there was no danger, no deep hidden truth, no theological meaning, just one phrase.

"now there was leaning on on Jesus' bosom one one of His disciples, whom He loved."

open your mind to this for a moment.

we get the picture of all the guys on one side of the table looking all...what ever.

here is what I saw as I gazed into this point and time.

there was a moment in between the bread and the wine, just before judas did his deal...and while there was a moment, this man, whom Jesus loved, laid his head on the chest of Jesus. as a child, he rests on the one who loved him dearly was was loved in return.

sometimes we need to remember the kingship of Jesus and bow before Him in humility.
sometimes we out to bow before Him in His grandure and holiness.
sometimes we need to be broken over ourselves for our stupidity.

and sometimes we need to just lay on His chest. catching a moment, ever how fleeting , just to remind us we can...and he can.

I had no specdial needs today, other than the grace given for what lay ahead. nothing that had me stop everything and seek a miracle. there have been those. this was no day for anxious thoughts over lack of funds, or protection of children. it was a day that I prayed for the Bride...and I simply lay on His bosom.

in the midst of life, may you steal away for a time of rest on the bosom of our Lord.


sheri-baby said...

My favorite place to be! That reminds me of my favorite Rita Springer song - "Like You Jesus!"
". . .I want to be like You Jesus, to walk in all Your ways, no matter what You ask me Jesus, I'm willing to obey. Set my face as flint before You now. My life I recommit here as I bow. . .I love it when You gently kiss my brow and whisper, it's alright . . ."

Bar L. said...

great pic! Makes me want to snuggle a baby. Beautiful post too :)

Curious Servant said...

I love that gospel the best.

Being a dad is the greatest!

see-through faith said...

beautiful post