
Work and ministry

I have a major case of the blahs today. Not sure why, but it seems to be contagious. Lee must have given them to me. funny how that stuff just seems to land on us.

My current job is a good deal. I was able to get in on the ground floor of something that hopefully, may turn into something really cool. We are busy one day, dead the next. But I dig what I do and love the folks I work for.

it has been really hard getting used to working again. My career was student ministry for a while. So while I sat behind a desk and did road trips and taught, it was a different kind of job. I had great men and women who had full time careers and families who gave much of their time to minister to students and help out.

I realize now that I did not thank them enough.
this is a thank you to those who have a job, a family and give of their time and talent to the local church.

each week, there are situations that arise that take all focus. Families get sick, cars break down, accidents happen, life gets difficult sometimes. Jobs get crazy, the boss can be a pain, deadlines happen, quotas need to be met. From one day to the next anything can happen in life.

having to work full time now, and prepare a message to preach each week has given me a new appreciation for those who have done it for so long. time is more important now.

for those who have given their "spare" time to serve the local church, as if their is anything such as that, I pray today for the blessings of God himself to rain down on you and fill you with His Spirit.

To all of you who have given your time, talent, cars for trips, served as chaperones, served food, cleaned up a mess in the youth room, served as a bouncer for the youth service, prayed for the salvation of a thug, hurt because a teen was hurting, prayed for your youth minister...I raise my glass to you. For with out you, the person with a job, who has nothing extra, especially time, ministry would not happen.

Thank you to all who supported me, and to those who support others like me.

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