
Consumers at the buffet of Christianity

I spoke to a friend today about the movement that is sweeping across our land. We talked about the people we have become. The slick marketing campaigns that have driven products and malls and specialty stores have infiltrated the church...But mostly, it has overtaken me.

my heart sank as I realized that I, along with many like me, seek mostly to satisfy the spiritual hunger that screams from my soul with needs and wants that fit me and my situation. I want worship I like, programs I like, ministry I like. When it gets to where the needs of others, they do not matter.

I have eaten at buffets before and not be hungry. Yet I gorge myself because of the taste. It tastes good, but I am full. Never mind the misery that will follow, it tastes really good. Chineese buffets are the worst. so much food, so little a plate.

for years, even before I began to do the ministry thing, I gorged myself at Gods table. Never really understanding the implications for my actions.

now, I weep over my motivations for doing what I do. I talk about having a heart for my city but I don't. I talk about meeting needs, yet I do so when it is convenient for me. Truth is, I eat what tastes good and is easy to get to. I wear Christian t-shirts and put cool bumper stickers on my car, cause it is cool. I talk against the institution cause I can, cause someone needs to, yet I miss it.

"Who can deliver me from this body of Sin?"

I am a consumer. One who is led into a dizzy feeling of euphoria when the marketing of something new comes along. I live for the book that will make it all better. I want the formula that will lead to goodness, yet despise the thought of them.

the more I try to escape the situation, the more I get sucked back in.

Hi. My name is Jeff. I am a Christian consumer. Can you help me?


Josh said...

I feel you, Jeff. Right now I want to sit and weep because of this garbage, yet, I keep my composure. I just get so scared sometimes. I say I engage the culture, but only the part that I happen to like...

Panmillennial said...

Sorry Dude, if I could help you I would help myself. A pastor once challenged me when I said that I go where God calls. He said if that's the case why are the majority of pastors still in the south? It's a tough thing to realize that I am selfish, prideful, arrogant being. Praise God for Grace!
