
the prayer of a righteous man...

when i was a kid, i used to love to hear my grandfather pray. simple and powerful, with deep respect and love, and oozing with thanksgiving.

there have been times in my life when prayer has taken on something more than just dialogue. there have been glimpses of glory, moments of holy, preparation, encouragement and chastisement. i have been blessed to experience God in various situations, all through prayer.

last night, i sat and was wet with the rain of the spirit. it was as if there had come a point in my life i could ask for anything...absolutely anything from God and he would grant m request.

the mind races when we think we have the attention of the almighty. what should we ask for?
long life?

what i prayed for had nothing to do with me, my ministry, my family.

i realized at that point that abiding in him, and his words abiding in me, means i pray for what he wants...his glory, his renown, his power seen in and working through his children.

i woke up looking for an extraordinary day.

ended up being nothing special. another day in paradise.

but he is up to something. i feel it, his spirit is moving...preparing, equipping, unleashing. what ever it is, i want in on it. i want to be part of it. all of it. all of him, all of me. nothing left.

gonna take a trip soon. gonna leather up, take a ride to meet someone, sit and recieve. going to get something. not sure what. but i want it. looking for clues here and there. wondering, waiting, wanting. praying. ready.


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