living in South east Florida, the sureness of rain during the "season" is expected. unless there is a drought. lately we have been drenched. but the ground soaks it up like a desert. some clouds have rain, most are rainless for some reason. so we never know whether the clouds that are rolling in, as menacing as they may seem, will be filled with the rain we need.
spent a bit of time this morning watching students stand in the rain to pray for their schools and leaders at the annual "see ya at the pole" event. i watched as they prayed and became wet with rain. it was a picture of our father blessing them for their efforts to ak Him to move there. they were soaked, with water and with Him.
before i left home, i read Jude. not my usual read, kinda short, but full of wisdom. Jude spends a lot of time dealing with false teachers who are among other names "clouds without rain."
after thinking and praying over that, even now, this is what rose up.
there is nothing worse than thinking it is gonna rain and it doesn't. not a hint of rain. can't smell it (love the smell of a spring rain), can't feel what it provides, nothing but clouds.
lately there have been clouds that God has sent my way. in them he has used people to rain all over me.
L has poured out rain on me, needed, and soaked in. funny thing about this rain is that i was so skeptical of the amount of rain there was. was i wrong and was i to be. it matters what you do.
Sheri continues to rain on me. daily she sustains me and refreshes me. this morning, my mother told me of my step father getting baptized this week. he is 86. my face was wet with that rain.
Dub is a source of constant showers.
John is a welcome rain each day.
Steve clouds up and rains on me in the middle of the day.
my kids. the tables are turning here. they are now producing the storm.
there are plenty of people who are rainless. we know who they are. we see them coming, we know what to expect.
what we need is folks who always have enough supply to pour out on others. these folks spend time, real time with the father. not just for them, but to call others, to refresh others.
so you know, if we ever meet, i will cloud up and rain all over you...
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