
thoughts on mortality

as i am 2 days away from 45, i was thinking on several things today.

what if...

i have lived longer than i am going to?
i become useless?
time slips away?
my grandkids never know what my passion is?
typical devours me?
i have not loved enough?
all this exercise is for naught?
elvis really is not dead?
no one remembers?
i did not make a difference?
i can't remember?
i die alone?
she goes first?
i had never met her?
jesus came back tommorrow?
my kids were jesus freaks?
i failed?
i never call my brother?
we give up?
jesus stopped talking to me?
the bible was outlawed?
abortion was illegal?
the church went back to the underground?
euthenasia became legal?
i begin to feel old?
i end up helpless?
no one visits me in the home?
i can't express my self?
i end up back in diapers...where i started?

what ever happens, i have been given the gift of life.
i have loved a woman with passion that scares me.
i have loved my kids with much affection.
i have been used by god to speak his word.
had great friends who have shown me loyalty.
recieved love from many people.
i have a harley.

if it ends tommorrow...i am blessed.


Anonymous said...

No matter what, your grandchildren will always know who you are, what an awesome father you have always been, how proud I am of you, and most importantly, how you ran after God no matter what. I love you!

sheri-baby said...

You are the best husband and friend a woman could want! I love you, you old fart! jk. . .Through all the rough spots, I have always known your heart and that is what keeps me here with you. Your love for God and passion for life has made my life better.

I love you so much!

Anonymous said...

You and your beautiful wife are our closest and dearest friends...Happy Birthday to your Harley riding a**.....

We love you both,

Dub n T

Panmillennial said...

Happy B'day (a little late, sorry)
Hope all is well. I would like to talk to you soon. Give me a call. I don't think I have your correct number.


Brent Jones