
when it hits the fan

a funny thing happens when we ask God to become the absolute focus of our lives. He begins to prune, remove, kill, and take away all those things we have come to lean on for support, security and acceptance. some would take this to be a bad thing...but if the ultimate desire is complete intamacy with Jesus, complete trust in His provision, communion with the Father...then bring it!

Imago Dei is the name of our new Church. Image of God. I dig that. having been created in His image, it is vital that we begin to display that image through love and good deeds.

3 months ago, we started meeting in homes for Bible study. we commited to remove our religious glasses that we had worn for most of our lives and look fresh at scripture and see it possibly for the first time. what we learned and saw was not the idealistic church we hear so much about from our modern pulpits, but a raw get your hands dirty church that was full of difficulty from almost day one. God actually killed a few folks in the begining. that should mess us up.

prayer became a sweet time of communion, with each other, but especially with God. real. honest. sincere. these words flowed and these actions drew us closer.

begining in Jan, we will begin to meet in a place to worship with music. a free place...provided by God. pretty cool how it all happened. as we began to grow closer to each other, as our community began to look forward to seeing each other, we realized something was missing...worship through music. w long to worship toether, to come before Him as a community, as a family.

the question is thie..."can we begin a church, use ancient principles, reflect who God truly is, minister to modern people and a modern society and maintain biblical integrty?" most would say that that is already happening. and it is...in some places. but our country is full of "white wash" churches who look good on the outside and are full of programs and "other" focised on the inside.

there is a rumbeling moving across our land today. people are screaming for real, raw, honest relationships...real honest churh...and most of all for something greater than what they have been given. people want the God of the bible. notthe god of society who is akin to a cosmological santa who is at our beckon call, dishing out wealth, good looks, and sucess on all fronts.

no one wants to admit they struggle in our churches, especially amoung the staff. people want to know that the process is ok. to long have we given formulas and steps to be happy wealthy and wise...IN THE CHURCH!!!

join us in this Primal Experiment. join us as we seek to return to reality and not fantasy. Join us as we seek to make much of God.

we exist to make much of God...He does not exist to make much of us...

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