
"Ears and noses are the trophies of the day..."

Spent the evening in the throws of testosterone laced activities. after an evening ride on the new Harley, a plate of wings and a big glass of sweet tea, I settled into a night of football and finished up with watching The Gangs of New York. the opening scene sets the tone for the whole movie.

I have always enjoyed American History. and while this movie may not accurately represent the happenings then, it comes pretty close.

we have become somewhat diluted in our understanding of our past. while abortion seems to be the outcry of the faithful these days, we as a people have seldom had a respect for life.

it is quite comical actually. with the complete disregard for human life running rampant through out our glorious past, we now have become pleased with our achievements and have made ourselves the chief end of our affections.

lately, the honor has been mine to sit under the flowing mercies and affections of the creator. i have heard it said that "there can be no sense of God with out a sense of sin." in my experience this is true...initially. after the reality of our lack, comes flowing the reality of His supply.
the supply that comes from the riches of who He is and the daily provisions of His storehouse.

while these times have come and gone through out my life, one thing that remains is the desire to have him be my portion.

because of this great love in which he has poured out of me, my thoughts must change. not to make myself the chief end of my affections, but HIM and him alone.

may we seek holiness rather than wholeness.
may our affections be aimed at him and not ourselves.

may ears and noses never be the trophies of the day. but may we be trophies of his grace and mercy.

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