
Ancient Affections

O worship the King, all glorious above,
O gratefully sing His power and His love;
Our Shield and Defender, the Ancient of Days,
Pavilion ed in splendor, and girded with praise.

O tell of His might, O sing of His grace,
Whose robe is the light, whose canopy space,
His chariots of wrath the deep thunderclouds form,
And dark is His path on the wings of the storm.

I stood with my granddaughter as we worshipped our great God this past week. I looked into her 2 month old eyes and affections for my God rose up within me.

at that moment I realized something. what I was participating in was ancient. I looked down the aisle and saw my lovely wife singing, my daughter singing and my son-n-law singing praises to our God. in quite possibly the same fashion that Moses, or David, or Isaiah had done. Maybe they held their kids or grand kids, and realized as they did that the faith, this God would be loved yet again through the next generation.

I presented her to Him as an affectionate offering of love for Him to use her and for His glory to blaze outward from her soul.

as a family we walked forward to receive communion. I looked at her while she cooed, received the bread and juice with thanksgiving for His sacrifice and life, for His death and burial and Resurrection. i wept from the pure joy of a God who would allow me to enjoy the gifts he offers to His children. He drew Himself from deep within my soul and showed Himself to be affectionate and desirous of the same. he doted over her, held me, knew me.

she has no clue to what she participated in that wonderful day.

but burned into my mind will always be a picture of us standing among the body, both present and past to honor, pay homage to, love and sing to the God of heaven.

may we realize the importance of connecting with the reality of the Ancient of Days. help us Lord not to try and make it new. Help us not to hurry past those things that connect us to the early believers.

help us to love you Lord. show us how to show affection to you. help us to realize we are mostly one way in our relationship with you.

may we never forget the ancient affections..

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