
Do You Know Him?

By Dr S.M. Lockridge
The Bible says my King is a seven way King. He's the King of the Jews - that's a racial King; He's the King of Israel - that's a national King; He's the King of Righteousness, He's the King of the ages, He's the King of Heaven, He's the King of Glory, He's the King of Kings and He's the Lord of Lords!

He's my King, I wonder - do you know Him?

David said the Heaven's declare the glory of God and the firmament shows His handiwork. My King is a sovereign King. No means of measure can define His limitless love, no far seeing telescope can bring into visibility the coastline of His shore-less supply, no barrier can hinder Him from pouring out His blessings

He's enduringly strong, He's entirely sincere, He's eternally steadfast, He's immortally graceful, He's imperially powerful, He's impartially merciful.
Do you know Him?

He's the greatest phenomenon that has ever crossed the horizon of this world! He's God's son, He's the sinners Savior, He's the centerpiece of civilization, He stands in the solitude of Himself, He's august and He's unique! He's unparalleled, He's unprecedented, He's the loftiest idea in literature, He's the highest personality in philosophy, He's the supreme problem in higher criticism, He's the fundamental doctrine of true theology, He's the miracle of the age, He is - yes He is, He is the superlative of everything good that you choose to call Him, He's the only one who qualified to be an all sufficient Savior;

Do you know Him?

He supplies strength for the weak, He's available for the tempted and the tried, He sympathizes and He saves, He strengthens and sustains, He guards and He guides, He heals the sick, He cleansed the lepers, He forgives sinners, He discharges debtors, He delivers the captives, He defends the feeble, He blesses the young, He serves the unfortunate, He regards the aged, He rewards the diligent and He beautifies the meek.

Do you know Him?

My King is the key to knowledge: The wellspring of wisdom; the doorway of deliverance; the pathway of peace; the roadway of righteousness; the highway of holiness, and the gateway of glory!

His office is manifold: His promise is sure. His light is matchless. His goodness is limitless. His mercy is everlasting. His reign is Righteous. His yoke is easy, and His burden is light.
I wish I could describe Him for you, but He's indescribable! He's Incomprehensible! He's invincible! He's Irresistible!

You can't get Him out of your mind or off your hands! You can't out-live Him and you can't live without Him! The Pharisees couldn't stand Him, but they found out they couldn't stop Him. Pilate couldn't find any fault in Him. The witnesses couldn't agree. Herod couldn't kill Him. Death couldn't handle Him, and the grave couldn't hold Him!

That's my King, That's my King, That's my King, and He's the kingdom and the power and the glory - Forever! AMEN!!!
Do you know Him?


Anonymous said...

Hello, again, friend. Up fro more discussion? I wanted to answer your thoughts and perhaps we can both learn.

If your church is anything like my church, then you realize that there are many students, if not the majority, who do not have parents to teach them how to love, at least in the way that John talks about in I John 4:7. Where will they learn what God's love looks like? From the church. From their youth ministry. From their youth pastor.

How do you taech them how to love? They'll see it when the group goes out to McDonald's after church and sees you be kind to the cashier. They'll see it on mission trips and camp trips, when you are with them for a solid week. They'll see it in how you refrain from put-down humor and build up everyone, whether you think they deserve it or not. They'll see it in how you treat others. Many may have parents whose teachings mirror that of the bible, but many will not. What do we do with them?

I can tell you from personal experience and from talkingwith students that they remember the love they found in their "community of faith" more than soteriological theology when they are out on their own in college.

And I hear over and over again what you say about the church not living up to what God has called it to do. What better way to start a revolution in having the students lead by example. In having them love by example. In the absense of leadership in the method of love, let them be an example as Paul tells Timothy. "Set an example in love, purity, etc."

I remember hearing a story about a young man in his teens whose parents were racists. He asked his pastor how he could change their hearts. The pastor lovingly replied "It's too late for them. But it's not too late for you. It's not too late for your generation and for those who will come after you." I suppose that we could substitute that with young people who ask where the love is in their church. They ask why the older people in the pews don't seem to love people very much. They're the young ones. They're the ones who can be changed. They're the ones who can lead.

I look forward to more conversation about this. You can e-mail me at numberonerockiesfan@yahoo.com.

Anonymous said...

Sorry. This was adam again