
A Life Less Ordinary

Ok I admit it. I like to stir the pot of discussion. partly casue my views are less important than the process of thought. partly cause I really like dialogue. and partly cause I really enjoy it.

as tmac has said, it almost cost me a dear friendship. but stronger and closer is the tie that binds.

not really sure what it is in me that enjoys the back and forth.

I read a lot of blogs each week. some I like cause they are along my thought process. others i like cause they really make me mad. still others i like just because there is an arogance toward the lack of what I hold dear. some I disdain. mainly becasue it is mostly opinionated stuff with no depth of thought or basis in truth. but I so enjoy adding to the on going discussion.

I posted a year or so ago about "bargain shopping at the mall of critical thinking."

we are so into our own opinions and try and protect so much what we feel like god ought to be like, what we heard God ought to be like, that we fail miserably at actually being able to discuss rationally and with forethought, a presentation of holy God based on scripture.

a lot of what we believe is more heresy than truth. mainly becasue we cannot say yes, rather we have to say this or that. can we not just say yes to all those things that scripture says? why are we so anal about trying to make Him fit into a little box and ideology that is man centric?

The religious types, pharasees to you and me, and some modern versions of these yahoos, tried to make Jesus out to be one thing...come in a certain way, dress is a certain way, eat in a certain place, wash up at a certain time...and he called them vipers, and white wash graves. but when God was preparing the way for Jesus, He sent some freak dressed like tarzan that ate bugs!

Jesus was not white, and he did not have a mullet. matter of fact, he was more likely to have an afro and be black than the pretty boy we have made him out to be. and he most certainly did not have blue eyes. He was ugly. He did not wear ambercrombie and have a peace sign around his neck. there was nothing about him that would make us want to look at him.

yet the box we have tried to put him in cannot even contain us, much less one who has always been, with no need of any outside influences or gnosis, or need from those who he has created.

I may anger some of you. it is nothing new to me. although I tend to try and be a little more understanding than I used to be.

but the descision to live a life less ordinary has changed my attitude from pew sitting and agreement to all that is said, to a seek and knock mentality that has left me in wonder.

how is it that we really expect jesus to make our lives healthy wealthy and wise, when he left John the baptizer in prison and had Peter hung upside down on a cross and had Paul beheaded? Welcome to America my friend! Jesus will sacrifice you and me that His kingdom would grow. just ask Stephen. The disciple whom Jesus loved was bioled in oil and left on an island. But I am sure if you ask real nice and have a quiet time, he will give you a big house and a nice car. sorry, I get carried away sometimes.

I am amazed at who he is. how we try and explain the inexplainable is funny. how we can try and fit all he is into a formula that tends to be all about fairness rather than justice is beyond me. how we can treat salvation like a self esteem matter makes me laugh. how we try and use what cannot be adequately defended in a logical thought sadens me.

I learned this week, that there is NO... and yes I mean no exceptable analogy of the Trinity that is not heresy. as much as we try, it just does not fit. we just have to say I trust. it is ok not to have it all figured out.

"God does not exist to make much of me. I exist to make much of God." John Piper

so welcome to The Primal Experiment. all box thinkers please open wide and say ahhh. if you want a safe explanation of God, this is not where you will find rest. but if you want to contribute to the ongoing discussion...make yourself at home.


It's all about perspective

A few years ago, I had the pleasure to be chaplain for a local football team. Being at practice a couple of times a week, and standing on the sidelines during each game was cool, as was the opporunity to share each week from scripture.

the most fun was had at practice, with coaches and players. One particular day, the players were preparing for their 40 yard timing. One student, who shall remain nameless, was faithful, hard working and just fun to interact with. He was a small large young fellow, wider than he was tall. As he came to get in line, I asked him..."What do you run the 4o in?" with out skipping a beat, or cracking a smile, he replied "in shorts!"

while most were interested in speed, he was mainly interested in finishing. Same event, different perspectives.

my pastor has a son who is autistic. Not to familiar with the whole thing...Yet. But I watch him and his wife deal with their son, who gets a little loud during the service from time to time, in a loving way, patient, and it blesses me. Others look and wonder what the deal is. His wife quoted someone last night..."Sometimes I tell people my son is autistic, other times I don't have the energy." I sit in amazement sometimes. Not cause I feel sorry for them, but because I see God in them. I see how God uses them. And I feel like that mercy and love which seems like an extra portion to some, is typical when it is looked at from a God perspective.

on going conversations with fellow travelers on this journey seem to take on the biggest need of the one in need. For some it is a deep need of acceptance, for others it may be hope and direction, some it may be deliverance, freedom, forgiveness and still others, just being part of something. The needs of the soul are deep and precious.

having been in church for a while, each has a different thought of how it should be, how music should sound, and what color the paint should be. We all forget that the church belongs to Jesus. He tends to be absent at most business meetings where such things are discussed, and the church takes on the personality of those who would control her for their own pleasure rather than His pleasure.

life and faith is looked at from different perspectives as well. Some excel from a drive that pushes them along, others simply just want to get by.

wealth seems to be a inner mechanism that pushes some folks I know. The desire for certain high priced items to own and call theirs. Others are happy just to eat each day.

As we celebrated Easter, I could not help but notice the different perspectives we as believers have on the blessed day. For some it is an annual trek with the entire out of town family to church. Sit by mom and allow her to be proud for their gathering. Others, sit in amazement at such a thought as death being defeated. Still others seem selfish and interject I am me into every situation, with no thought of the people or church as to which we are apart.

myself, I was overcome this year with wonder about the satisfaction of God's wrath.

because we do not hear that much about His divine wrath, it is mostly overlooked. God could not be just in His judgment had His wrath not been placated, or satisfied. The fact that Jesus bore that wrath often is looked on in many different ways. Cheesy sayings and songs that have more to do with making us feel important than what really happened and why Easter is the cornerstone for our faith, have dumbed us down and made us like little children who believe we deserve an extra treat or pat on the back for simply being moral, or actually setting aside some meaningful time alone with Him.

we deserve to die a horrible death and be forever separated from Him. Sin is not simply an act of disobedience, it is an affront to Holy God. And we as people, me as a man, have turned toward wickedness every time a choice is given.

I am thankful for Gods wrath. For with out it, Jesus would not have died, salvation would not come, and knowing him would not be possible.


Do You Know Him?

By Dr S.M. Lockridge
The Bible says my King is a seven way King. He's the King of the Jews - that's a racial King; He's the King of Israel - that's a national King; He's the King of Righteousness, He's the King of the ages, He's the King of Heaven, He's the King of Glory, He's the King of Kings and He's the Lord of Lords!

He's my King, I wonder - do you know Him?

David said the Heaven's declare the glory of God and the firmament shows His handiwork. My King is a sovereign King. No means of measure can define His limitless love, no far seeing telescope can bring into visibility the coastline of His shore-less supply, no barrier can hinder Him from pouring out His blessings

He's enduringly strong, He's entirely sincere, He's eternally steadfast, He's immortally graceful, He's imperially powerful, He's impartially merciful.
Do you know Him?

He's the greatest phenomenon that has ever crossed the horizon of this world! He's God's son, He's the sinners Savior, He's the centerpiece of civilization, He stands in the solitude of Himself, He's august and He's unique! He's unparalleled, He's unprecedented, He's the loftiest idea in literature, He's the highest personality in philosophy, He's the supreme problem in higher criticism, He's the fundamental doctrine of true theology, He's the miracle of the age, He is - yes He is, He is the superlative of everything good that you choose to call Him, He's the only one who qualified to be an all sufficient Savior;

Do you know Him?

He supplies strength for the weak, He's available for the tempted and the tried, He sympathizes and He saves, He strengthens and sustains, He guards and He guides, He heals the sick, He cleansed the lepers, He forgives sinners, He discharges debtors, He delivers the captives, He defends the feeble, He blesses the young, He serves the unfortunate, He regards the aged, He rewards the diligent and He beautifies the meek.

Do you know Him?

My King is the key to knowledge: The wellspring of wisdom; the doorway of deliverance; the pathway of peace; the roadway of righteousness; the highway of holiness, and the gateway of glory!

His office is manifold: His promise is sure. His light is matchless. His goodness is limitless. His mercy is everlasting. His reign is Righteous. His yoke is easy, and His burden is light.
I wish I could describe Him for you, but He's indescribable! He's Incomprehensible! He's invincible! He's Irresistible!

You can't get Him out of your mind or off your hands! You can't out-live Him and you can't live without Him! The Pharisees couldn't stand Him, but they found out they couldn't stop Him. Pilate couldn't find any fault in Him. The witnesses couldn't agree. Herod couldn't kill Him. Death couldn't handle Him, and the grave couldn't hold Him!

That's my King, That's my King, That's my King, and He's the kingdom and the power and the glory - Forever! AMEN!!!
Do you know Him?


Little Less Conversation, Little More Action

Recently, after 2 years away, The Boss has allowed me back at work. lessons learned, difficulties dealt with, all is past.

It would be really easy to do what every one else is doing. the same old song and dance. perpetuate the problem rather than be part of the solution.

being gone from something that was once so dear, gives one opportunity to think. think over directions followed, or missed turns. mostly, thoughts run towards what would change IF, and for a while it was a big IF, the opportunity should arise.

funny though, all that had seemed lost. and the road that is most traveled has ruts that will allow one to just ride along with out much effort.

Something snapped this week. but the words "narrow way" and "road less traveled" were bouncing around in my mind like a super ball on steroids. it became evident that the time is now to follow Him and throw expectations of the same old deal out the window. it felt like I was leaving the paved road and was heading toward the woods. no visible trails, at first, and then just a few feet in front was a direction that could be sensed and taken...not being guided with my eyes open, but closed. bumpy and wild but so exilerating.

Student ministry in most places is an all out attempt to contribute to the consumer reality that has gripped our country. I can say that cause I was its biggest fan. but something did not add up at the end of the day. it seems as though I spent more time trying to justify my job and salary to those who I worked for and those who would dictate what i could spend in a year. not to mention the whizzing contests I would get into with other ym's over numbers and budget. at the end of the day, only a small percentage of those I spent time with went on down the path. most got off the path and returned to the paved road.

so what is different? nothing to prove. nothing to justify. I am getting to old to play games, and way to tired of the endless circles of gatherings and conferences that seem to yeild nothing more than opportunities to go against the traditions (which is not all bad) and grown men trying to look like they are 17.

so here we go. no books to read that offers 5 purposes that will grow your youth ministry, no steps to sucess, no formulas to follow. just a sincere desire to follow Him who gave Himself for me, and teach the little mongrels to live a life that is filled with "other than".

can it be possible to permiate an age group that really does not believe in the vehicle (church) in which the Message is delivered? funny. I remember 11 guys and an ex-pharasee who did that very thing.

we are right back where we started. how bout we try this... A Little Less Conversation, A Little More Action!

any body up for The New World Order?