As is the case, during the 3 hour ride last night, there was much time to think. In between Skynyrd and Audio Slave, these thoughts came to mind.
because I am a loud and obnoxious kinda guy, and because I do not mind pointing the finger at others, I must be ready when they point at me. No problem. When there is honest dialogue and real attempts to understand the situation, I can pretty much admit when I am wrong. Over the last few years, I say I am sorry more than anything.
the problem comes, for me anyway, when certain people accuse me of being intolerant and unloving. As I have been these things and have been willing to confess these things and hopefully try and grow through them.
BUT, when these certain brothers and sisters in Christ point at me for being these things, they are doing the same thing they accuse me of doing.
why is it I am expected to be forgiving and loving and willing to confess, when others are not? When did the finger of love become a one way street? How is it that the plum line of judgment is straighter with me that themselves?
I have lived with double standard for years. I have let me daughter get away with more that I let my son...Cause he was tough. We all do it in one way or another.
friendships fall in the crapper cause they are hard to maintain. The work is to hard for some, so it dies on the vine. So we do what we do out of a consumer mentality with everything.
sooner or later the wheel of judgment and double standard comes back around to each of us. When it knocks on the door, we all must answer.
this is the main reason I have resigned from the leadership of the rebellion. My judgmental actions and words aimed at a thought process were taken personal. Others who defended their actions and thoughts got personal. It was never meant to be so.
personal attacks have no place in the arena of ideas. If you are unable to keep the ideas and dialogue flowing with out calling me a quitter, with out loving me even though I am not perfect, with out knowing all I am dealing with, even though you may not agree with my view...Then
what s written here is a documentation of my journey to redemption. Your journey may be more perfect, more fancy, more religious. But this is my journey. If you desire to come along and share your journey with me...Be welcomed.
but have the nerve to face me with names and opportunity to rebut. If not, try and not be so damned judgmental. I did it...And things are better.
scripture bombs are great. I am a fan of scripture. Read it daily. Know what is says. But to use scripture to prove a judgmental point is heresy.
I love you any way. Who ever you may be. There seems to be some left over residual from my time with you. For that I am sorry. And there is no double standard involved.
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Bravo! my Brother,
These last few posts have hit me hard. I look forward to seeing you and your wife's face soon. It is not the same just reading sentences. I pray for you often and I treasure our friendship. God Bless You and Your Family.
skynard & audioslave?
weird combo...but cool none the less...
i can relate man...
i been thinking a lot about some of the stuff we've tried to put on lately...stuff that was ultimately about outreach, but i guess somebody forgot to tell the church folks...
i really believe that their idea of outreach is inviting folks to sunday morn & if they don't come or can't deal/conform to that, then they obviously reject Christ & are destined for hell...
double standard is their expectation for folks to come & conform to a sunday morn, when they'll never give it a 2nd thought about going & trying to experience a friday/saturday nite with these 'worldly' 1's...
this is just a damn cruel joke...
makes me sick...
aaa...houston...we've got a problem...
how can we ever solve a problem, that the myopic masses don't even see?
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