
recycled stuff

another oldie...enjoy

Many thoughts have come and gone in this space between my ears. Some have taken up space for many years. Like the fax machine. I still freak out about how that works. Others stay for a few min and fade away. Most of the really good ones leave marks. marks that never heal. Here is a reference to one of the good ones...

I am a dangerous man. Why? For reasons known only to Himself, God has chosen me to have the opportunity to impact people. 3 in particular. I thought about that as I went to see my son yesterday. We hung out, ate, and generally enjoyed being with each other. Then it hit me. He is a product of his parents teaching. Good or bad, the way he thinks about God, church, and other things is a result of his parents.

Most people go through life grappling for something to hold on to. Something worthy of building their lives around. Something they hope will see them through the really hard times. When people die, jobs give out, accidents happen, financial difficulties hit, children get sick, people disappoint, friends turn on you. There must be something that can get us through.

we have all heard the deal with opinions. They are like arm pits, we all have one or two...Usually they stink.

so when the opportunity arises to impact people with mere words, these thoughts become real. Jim Jones used words. Hitler used words. Stalin used words. David Koresh used words. Thousands of men and women are using words today to impact and direct the thoughts and actions of millions.
words. Empty, shallow, meaningless words.

What is so different now? American pulpits are full of men who stand in front of congregations and turn blind eyes to known sin. Lack of preparation (I point to myself here as well) has turned powerful preaching into 20-30 min of opinion and leave people wanting and thirsting for a move of Holy God. We have turned a movement into a gathering and morality is the chief conversation. Our worship has become self serving, self gratifying acts that seldom do more than get our mouths to mutter words when our minds are thinking of a hundred other things. We tip our hats to God as we come and go through a day seldom giving acknowledgment of the grandeur of majesty and holiness that is our God.

we will become dangerous when we refuse to be herded into the same feeding trough as the religious mamby pamby who want sweet and harmless and powerless words.
dangerous to the institutional way of thinking. Dangerous to those who keep in bondage the people of God. Dangerous to the evil one.

who knows...Maybe we can learn to see the beauty of one who wore a camels skin loin clothe and ate bugs and honey. That was a dangerous man.

there is where I want to live.
wanna go?

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