
words are just words...right?

i will post more about the trip tonight.

this is on my heart as i have read 1 Samuel.

"and the Lord was with Samuel, and let none of his words fall to the ground." 3:19

"and she said, The Glory has departed from Israel, for the Ark of the Lord has been captured." 4:22

it is my prayer that my words will not fall to the ground. that the words of my mouth will be those of God and find their target in the hearts of men...through my conversation and writing of primal faith. not because i am a good guy, or am starting a cool ministry...but because it is my desire to be consumed by his greatness and as a result, he speaks, not me.

we all know why Eli's sons were killed. they acted in a way that dishonored God as they served in the temple. and we also know it was Eli would not be a father and deal with the issue.

can it be that our nation is full of men like the sons of Eli?
could it be that judgement could be coming because of how we take for granted as the servants and ministers of our great God. my heart sinks as i think about it.

may our word never hit the ground as bricks, so we can build for ourselves altars unto our goodness. but may they find their resting place in the hearts of men so as to be used and guided by the Holy Spirit to produce life change.


just words

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