

I got a call from a very dear friend the other day. He is struggling with some directional issues in his life, and he called me and a few other friends to ask us to pray to the Father for a specific Word about his current situation.

This was not a call to say "will you pray for me." most of us get those and seldom bombard Heaven for a specific Word from God. This was a request to pull out all the stops and seek Jesus for a Word of Knowledge for my brother. I was honored to be asked. I felt like I was about to be privy to something cool.

So, as usual, I began to think about how we ask and get asked to pray for certain things.

in my life, I have taken lightly the opportunity to pray for a fellow believer. Unless, of course, they were close and I knew they would pray for me.

I have used the old "I'll be prayin for you" answer more times than I care to admit to, just to sound spiritual and pious. I guess I always wanted to pray for folks, it just seemed that I would forget.

so why was this request so different? Why is it so important that I differentiate between the casual and the specific? Is it because there is an honest desire to get others involved in an outcome? After all, most folks really want to be left alone, unless they are in need. Is it because there is a sense of outcome when we ask others to truly be specific when we pray?

many have written countless books and papers on the subject so I am not going to do any justice to the subject here.

I do know this. When a friend calls with expectancy, I am more likely to pray with expectancy.

and now, in my current situation, it is important to live and pray with expectancy.

we are all so busy. With life, kids, jobs, stuff. Because we are such consumers, many times our attitudes when we pray for others is just like every thing else. I know in my mind, there must be a reward for really praying for another. And as usual, I turn the situation around so somehow, someway, it benefits me.

I think the knowledge I walk away with is this...I suck at genuine, ferverant, passionate prayer. Especially for others.

for so many years, it was as if prayer was part of my job. It sounds worse than it is, but it feels like it sometimes. Now, my prayers are not a cry to "bless the message", or some other event I had planned.

now, prayer is more like a genuine conversation with someone I am actually getting to know all over again. No hidden agendas, no give me this and I will do that. Just conversation laced with much much thanks.

many great opportunities that were given to me were not taken advantage of. Many ministers would have loved to be where I have been. I say I am sorry more times than I want to. I have left with my tail between my legs. Now as I sit here and ask Jesus for a Word for my brother, I secretly ask for a word for me. What I really want to hear is "hey, I know you blew it. But it's ok." after all these years, a pat on the head, a stroke of the cheek, a simple whisper, calms a heart and stills the nerves.

funny how He speaks, when He speaks. Funny how He loves us. Wonderful how He loves me.


recycled stuff

another oldie...enjoy

Many thoughts have come and gone in this space between my ears. Some have taken up space for many years. Like the fax machine. I still freak out about how that works. Others stay for a few min and fade away. Most of the really good ones leave marks. marks that never heal. Here is a reference to one of the good ones...

I am a dangerous man. Why? For reasons known only to Himself, God has chosen me to have the opportunity to impact people. 3 in particular. I thought about that as I went to see my son yesterday. We hung out, ate, and generally enjoyed being with each other. Then it hit me. He is a product of his parents teaching. Good or bad, the way he thinks about God, church, and other things is a result of his parents.

Most people go through life grappling for something to hold on to. Something worthy of building their lives around. Something they hope will see them through the really hard times. When people die, jobs give out, accidents happen, financial difficulties hit, children get sick, people disappoint, friends turn on you. There must be something that can get us through.

we have all heard the deal with opinions. They are like arm pits, we all have one or two...Usually they stink.

so when the opportunity arises to impact people with mere words, these thoughts become real. Jim Jones used words. Hitler used words. Stalin used words. David Koresh used words. Thousands of men and women are using words today to impact and direct the thoughts and actions of millions.
words. Empty, shallow, meaningless words.

What is so different now? American pulpits are full of men who stand in front of congregations and turn blind eyes to known sin. Lack of preparation (I point to myself here as well) has turned powerful preaching into 20-30 min of opinion and leave people wanting and thirsting for a move of Holy God. We have turned a movement into a gathering and morality is the chief conversation. Our worship has become self serving, self gratifying acts that seldom do more than get our mouths to mutter words when our minds are thinking of a hundred other things. We tip our hats to God as we come and go through a day seldom giving acknowledgment of the grandeur of majesty and holiness that is our God.

we will become dangerous when we refuse to be herded into the same feeding trough as the religious mamby pamby who want sweet and harmless and powerless words.
dangerous to the institutional way of thinking. Dangerous to those who keep in bondage the people of God. Dangerous to the evil one.

who knows...Maybe we can learn to see the beauty of one who wore a camels skin loin clothe and ate bugs and honey. That was a dangerous man.

there is where I want to live.
wanna go?


Kindred Spirits

I wrote this a couple of years ago as a devotional...it hit me hard today as I read it. hope you enjoy...

Sometimes, I get the opportunity to read the letters in Scripture as they were written, in one sitting. It open us up to the whole message rather than a verse or a chapter. The big picture, so to speak.

most of the time, the thoughts that stay and leave marks in our minds, come when we are not looking for them. Such is the case for me today.

I love watching people. They are the same every where. Wonderful creations of a loving God. Parents with their kids. Senior adults. Teens. Thugs and thuglets, hooches and nerds. All created and upheld by the very hand of God.

Paul write to the Philippians church with such love and concern that it seems he dotes over them as a mother over a new born babe. Concerned about every aspect of their growth and life. Concerned about their continuing education and knowledge of God . Wanting to be with them, but because of house arrest, unable to leave.

who else could he send that would love them and be as concerned for them?

Timothy. Listen to this.

"For I have no one else of kindred spirit who will genuinely be concerned for your welfare. For they all seek after their own interests, not those of Christ Jesus." Phil 2:20-21

This is a huge statement. And a statement that goes to the heart of community.
think outside your little box for a moment here.

Who else could love, serve, heal, help, encourage and save those which He created but His own son? It wasn't as though God was holding auditions for Messiah. The word itself says "anointed, or Chosen" one. So, there was no choice. But this goes a little deeper than that. As God sent His Son, He was sending Himself. There was so much love and concern for His people He sent Himself.

I have a few people in my life that are kindred spirits. We have passion for the God of the Bible. These bonds were formed at the crossroads of self and reality. Sooner or later we will come to this place. A place that shakes every thing we believe to the core of who we are. On the other side of this is birthed a realization that we have looked after our own interests our entire lives. Now, something greater than that is here. When we come to this place and allow God to move us past our selves things change. Everything changes.

this transformation is not as popular as one might think. Church is not full of people like this. "for they all seek after their own interest, not those of Christ Jesus."

what would it look like if we all sought after the interest of Christ Jesus? What would preaching be like? What would worship be like? What would service look like? What would Sunday school look like?

Christians today have few examples from which to watch and learn. Unlike Timothy, we do not have a man like Paul in our lives who is imprisoned and beaten and stoned for the Faith. Most of our mentors are people who are upstanding members of the community. There are certainly none who can be called trouble makers, meaning that we have all become professional Christians.

no need for all that stuff any more...Right?

When did it become the "interest of Christ Jesus" for the Church to have the same standing as the Mormon temple, or the Jehovah's witness Tabernacle, or the Muslim Temple in the community?

His interests are mighty and life changing and full of Power. That is the test. As you worship Sunday. Ask your self whose interests are being met. Yours, or His.


24 AND 43

May is a pretty big deal for me. My birthday and anniversary are within 2 weeks of each other. The birthday is not huge, although millions of Mexicans celebrate it each year. Corona's usually go on sale for a buck a piece. But as in most marriages, the anniversary is big time. Each year I try and say something to my bride that will help her know how important she is to me.

so this year, we are dealing with some major life issues, and as I step back and look over the landscape that is our life, I ask the question..."What have I learned?"

the following is a list of things that are lessons learned. Some hard, some easy. Some learned late, some learned early. Either way, this is where my foundation lies. This is what helps me discern the next move in many situations.

Love and acceptance are not just words to my great God. This is how He makes me feel.

Grace is more and more wonderful each year.

Jesus does not hold a grudge...Unlike me and some folks I know.

Responsibility is more than a theory.

Joy is meant to be all encompassing, not as mask we try on to fake people out.

After 24 years of marriage, what matters is not status, or security, but complete acceptance, complete love, and complete loyalty. My wife displays all these.

I have learned that unconditional love for our children is passed on from our parents

Our kids will always be seen as our children...In need of assistance. And that is ok.

Friendships are let go way to easy. I resolve not to allow this to happen again.

Things are never as bad or as good as others will have you believe.

I miss the Church.

I laugh more than I used to. At myself and others. If you can't laugh at your self, stop and listen...Others are already doing it.

Nothing can take the place of genuine community. We try but are always unsuccessful. Families who retreat from community are always lonely in the end.

we have lived with much and with little. I remember the times of little as being genuine Faith building and family uniting times. Memorable and filled with joy. I will take little over much if it means being complete in Christ and united with family and friends.

I have a friend I have never met. He is like a brother who knows the deepest areas of my soul. We have spoke 3 times over the phone, yet, it is as if we see each other each day.

True friendship connections transcend time. No matter when it is picked up again, the connection remains fresh, alive and brings a smile to my heart.

Grandkids are more of a Joy than I realized.

I miss my father and my brother. Even after all these years, there is an emptiness with out them.

I think about how cool it would have been to see Jesus walking around and talking to people each day. I think about what he would look like, about His never ending smile. Then I see Sheri and realize She looks just like him.

Funny how people are. They seldom approach us when we need them to, rather they sometimes allow us to deal with the heaviness of life alone. But when they are offended, are quick to point out the faults of others.

We can never hide the way we really feel. We try, but actually, people know us better than we realize.

I get a cold chill each time I hear of a soldier being killed in Iraq.

We will always be vulnerable. No matter how hard we try, we cannot live with out interaction from others.

I have noticed that when you are running with the "herd" people know how to act. When you are culled out from the herd, for reasons of sin, or difficulty of life or what ever, people are afraid to leave the herd to come to your aid. They are afraid of being outcast...They do not know how to deal with folks outside the herd. When the Lion devours them...

We as Americans place more importance on the wealthy who leave the herd, praying for their safe return, rather than the poor and beat down who may have never been in the herd. Mostly because we think with all their wealth they can do so much for the kingdom. If they would just come back.

As screwed us as we may be, I am convinced America is the best country on Earth. However, we are not God's chosen people. That title and position has already been taken...Rather given to another. We need to remember that.

my life is fuller, and richer because of the difficulty and trials I have had.

when life is over, all that really matters is who I have loved and who has loved me. I hope that list has more on it than just family.

I really dig Texas blues.

50 is not as old as it used to be.

Everything I have learned about how to love my kids has come from Mable. And yes, I am still a mamma's boy.

My wife is my best friend. She is not afraid to tell me the truth, not afraid to confront me, and always willing to listen, always willing to comfort and always able to support.

Sheri is the best thing, outside of Jesus, that has ever come into my life.

I am glad Jesus does not banish us to darkness when we make mistakes...Like I have done.

Life is not easy, but should be full of joy and fervor.

over all, I have very few regrets. I wish I had been less prideful and more willing to look, listen and learn. I regret how some friendships have turned out. I should have fought harder for them. All the problems, disobedience, pride, love, sin, frustration and grace are continuing to mold me...All by His magnificent hand. Even through missing the point, Jesus has never left me alone to figure it out. He has spoke through His word, select friends, and my wife and kids to help me see the error of my ways. All the while loving me extravagantly.

Life good. And by His hand, much more lessons are out there to be embraced and learned. What ever happened, it is the journey to redemption that keeps me on track. Seeking, hoping, loving and watching.

Here's to Jesus!


"get it on, get it on, bang a gong'

There is not much of a spring time here.
it went from cool to freaking hot. 10am and you better be looking for a shade tree or headed to the beach.

anyway, I was coming back to work from a lunch meeting, yes, work...I stopped at a what seemed like an eternity at a red light and T-Rex tickled my ears. I began swaying and bobbing back and fro to the beat of this classic, and as I usually do, began to look around to see if any one was watching. In front of me, to both sides and to the rear were all moving to the groove of a song they had in the car. It was a cool site as a couple of us met eyes and realized it was summer time and we were rocking out.

made me think.

we all have a song we love to sing out loud to. We all have certain things that make our bad days seem just a bit better, our bad moods lighten up just a bit.

today it was music that bridged a connection.

I long for the day when our Faith in Jesus becomes that connection.

when we can look at a brother and know there is a connection. A Spiritual connection. A commonality. A sameness.

anybody out there?
any gong bangers?

let's get it on!

"dirty sweet you're my girl."


Sound familiar?

You gotta read this...

The Mark

If you've spent much time on the Web, you've probably noticed that contentiousness, partisanship and "finger pointing" are the order of the day among Christians. Everyone has a complaint about some one or group of Christians, either of a personal nature or concerning a fine point of doctrine.

Assigning bad motives to people.
Assaulting people's character.

Gossip: casual or unconstrained conversation or reports about other people, usually derogatory in nature, typically involving details that are not confirmed as being true.

Nowhere is this more evident than among the "Christian" Web's latest group of trendsetter's: those notorious bloggers. Everyone thinks they need a blog today, where they can wax-on eloquently about everything from religion to sports to politics. But all-too-often they are transformed into "mini-pulpits" to bash about their brothers and sisters in Christ over some matter or another. Or they are used to advance the cause of some faction or group that has seemingly replaced Jesus as the supreme object of affection and loyalty.

In my opinion the most dangerous place to be on the Web today is not on an internet pornography site but in one of the the countless chatrooms, blogs, or discussion boards -- published by "Christians" -- that breed hatred and contempt for others. Where such behavior cannot be suppressed and/or eliminated, it would be better to have the platform removed, lest it stumble ourselves and/or others. In fact, that is precisely why we took down our own Dialogue Box last year. Contrary to what I have read elsewhere, it was all the arguing that caused its untimely death.

Now this is all done, of course, in order to "contend for the faith" -- warning others about some danger that could easily "lead them astray." Like, using the TNIV Bible, or reading a book by an Open Theist or (God-forbid!) someone who is suggesting that perhaps the 17th-century "Westminster Divines" didn't get it exactly right in every single instance.

Now I do not want to set aside the need to be sound in our beliefs and practices. Our work over the years should make that abundantly clear. But I would suggest that this growing pattern of contentiousness, partisanship and "finger pointing" is destroying the body of Christ today. Why? Because it completely undermines what it means to be a Christian in the first place -- to be born of God, as the Apostle John calls it. And what is that?

To have fervent love among us, so that the word will know that we, in fact, belong to Jesus, who is The Christ, the Risen and exalted Lord over all.

As the late Francis Schaeffer wrote, it is our love -- not our theology -- that is the true sign (the "mark") that we have passed from death to life.

A new commandment I give you: Love one another.
As I have loved you, so you must love one another.
By this all men will know that you are my disciples,
if you love one another.
| John 13:33-35|

Moreover, it is the God-appointed apologetic for the Christian faith:

We cannot expect the world to believe that the Father sent the Son, that Jesus' claims are true, and that Christianity is true, unless the world sees some reality of the love among us.


Here is the true crisis among Christians in our day. A pattern of destruction is ruining our fellowships and grieving the Holy Spirit. And it's nothing new -- as Timothy George & John Woodbridge point out in their most recent book, The Mark of Jesus. We would do well to put the words of the Apostle Paul over our computer monitors, next to our phones, and at the top of every email we send:

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.
| Ephesians 4:29-32|

So enough of the arguing. An "apologetic of destruction" -- devouring our "opponents" as if at war -- is incongruous with the true faith delivered once and for all to the saints. Theology is not an end in and of itself. And it will be utterly useless at the last day, when we all appear before the judge (see Matthew 25.)

Enough of the gossiping.Has some Christian wronged you? Then either deal with that Christian in the manner Our Lord prescribes (in Matthew 18) or "put a blanket of love over it" (see 1 Peter 4). Airing your dirty laundry only serves to bring shame to the name of Jesus -- as Paul makes abundantly clear to the Corinthians (see chapter 6.) It is self-serving, and we have been called to serve another, even Jesus.

Enough of the factionalism. There is no room among us for "carnal Christians" -- those who (consciously or unconsciously) replace loyalty to Christ alone with loyalty to their group, experience, tradition or confession of faith.

Are you "Reformed"? Then keep your "Reformed-ness" a very distant second to your primary identity as a member of Jesus' family -- the followers of the Risen Christ. Remember that the greatest time in history was the 1st century, not the 16th.

Are you "Charismatic"? Then keep your charismatic-ness at the same distance. Remember that the great outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the one that should cause us sheer excitement -- occurred at Pentacost, not Azusa Street, Toronto or somewhere else.

Are you an "emergent" Christian? Then view your "emergent-ness" within the broader context of God's Spirit working throughout the world in a variety of contexts, some of which may seem outdated to you.

We are called to follow Jesus, Our Risen Lord. And we are called to love one another in the same manner that he has loved us -- to "bear the mark of the Christian." There is NOTHING more important than that. For if we do not manifest that love, we are telling the world that Christianity is a huge fraud. Nothing could be more tragic.

What about you? Are you bearing the mark? If not, do what I have had to do countless times: pray that God will push everything else to the periphery of your life so that you can focus on this one area. If need be, formally apologize to those you might have stumbled through your behavior. And receive God's grace, remembering that only He is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy . . .

But above all things, love fervently.

Rob Schaffer

Love and the double standard

As is the case, during the 3 hour ride last night, there was much time to think. In between Skynyrd and Audio Slave, these thoughts came to mind.

because I am a loud and obnoxious kinda guy, and because I do not mind pointing the finger at others, I must be ready when they point at me. No problem. When there is honest dialogue and real attempts to understand the situation, I can pretty much admit when I am wrong. Over the last few years, I say I am sorry more than anything.

the problem comes, for me anyway, when certain people accuse me of being intolerant and unloving. As I have been these things and have been willing to confess these things and hopefully try and grow through them.

BUT, when these certain brothers and sisters in Christ point at me for being these things, they are doing the same thing they accuse me of doing.

why is it I am expected to be forgiving and loving and willing to confess, when others are not? When did the finger of love become a one way street? How is it that the plum line of judgment is straighter with me that themselves?

I have lived with double standard for years. I have let me daughter get away with more that I let my son...Cause he was tough. We all do it in one way or another.
friendships fall in the crapper cause they are hard to maintain. The work is to hard for some, so it dies on the vine. So we do what we do out of a consumer mentality with everything.

sooner or later the wheel of judgment and double standard comes back around to each of us. When it knocks on the door, we all must answer.

this is the main reason I have resigned from the leadership of the rebellion. My judgmental actions and words aimed at a thought process were taken personal. Others who defended their actions and thoughts got personal. It was never meant to be so.

personal attacks have no place in the arena of ideas. If you are unable to keep the ideas and dialogue flowing with out calling me a quitter, with out loving me even though I am not perfect, with out knowing all I am dealing with, even though you may not agree with my view...Then

what s written here is a documentation of my journey to redemption. Your journey may be more perfect, more fancy, more religious. But this is my journey. If you desire to come along and share your journey with me...Be welcomed.

but have the nerve to face me with names and opportunity to rebut. If not, try and not be so damned judgmental. I did it...And things are better.

scripture bombs are great. I am a fan of scripture. Read it daily. Know what is says. But to use scripture to prove a judgmental point is heresy.

I love you any way. Who ever you may be. There seems to be some left over residual from my time with you. For that I am sorry. And there is no double standard involved.