
Daytona Bike Week

most of my ministry, for lack of a better word, has always been an outflow of my job. being a staff member with the Bride has afforded me great opportunity, along with great responsibility. I have done my job with passion and integrity for the most part. all except for the part that requires me to love my neighbor. although I am getting better at that.

however, every outreach I have done over the last 11 years has been under the umbrella of my job. until now. nothing from a personal passion for people in need has ever caused me to be thinking about me doing ministry outside my job and off the clock...if there is such a thing. a ppastor being off the clock.
I am a prospective member of The Sons Of God Motorcycle Club. going through the whole deal to become a full patched member. why? to do something with my faith besides keep it at the church.
for 1 week in March, we will go to Bike Week in Daytona. in the midst of bikers babes and debauchery, we will hope to minister to bikers with the Gospel. walk around and share Christ. feed the hungry, give a drink to the thirsty. pray for the drunk and lift up the downcast.
I may have to call in sick for this.
smell the depravity. sorry, that may be me.

1 comment:

Panmillennial said...

For sure it will be difficult to lie with dogs and not get fleas. But hey, in my experience there are more dogs in church than on the backs of Harley's. If being staff in a church hasn't got you fleas, you should be ok in DB. I'll be praying for you and envying at the same time.

God bless.