
soap box and cigerette buts

as i reach middle age, I have found the need to become more active. so Sheri and I walk and I work out. Sheri has turned into a walk nazi. walking the bridge has become a delight and a thorn. but...it is needed.

as we made it to the top of the bridge, I realized the need to soap box a bit...more of a venting than anything. we as Americans are so self centered and small minded, I need to be reminded that the Manger was actually a cave full of manure and not a holiday inn.

if you smoke, dispose of your buts in an appropriate way. the planet can only take so many buts on the bridge and the side of roads.

if you smoke, please move to the side of an entrance to a building. while I support your right to smoke, I do not desire to inhale it while I am going into a store. you can smoke till you hock up a spleen, but I am not interested in smelling like you. so please, move.

if you are an active church member, rather than coming to an event one time and offering a plethora of ways to make it better, why not just enjoy...or at least but some time in before you dog it.

if you are not an active church member, then get active. we have enough wussy believers. the quota has been met. get involved...change the world.

worship is less about music and more about submission.

Stop blaming God for the crap you get your self into. the fact you have no money or relationships could be traced to your in-ability to discipline your spending, or deal with your people skills.

God does not exist to make much of you. you exist to make much of God. (Piper) realize that God is not an American, and He is working in the world. you are not the center of the universe.

take some responsibility for your life. if you are fat, don't blame McDonald's. if you smoke, don't blame Phillip Morris. if you are an addict, stop blaming every one else. if you don't like the way you are...change. lose weight, stop using, stop smoking. you do what you want to do.

athletes and entertainers are not role models.

make your daughter dress appropriately. if she dresses like a hoochie, stop her. be a parent.

if your kids are not spiritual it is your fault. bring them up in the admonition of the Lord. make them come to church. you make them go to school. you make them eat. be a parent.

spend time with your kids. be a parent.

kids are not in charge. if you spend more time reacting than loving and nurturing, do what ever it takes to get back your family. be a parent.

if they are more into video games than you, it is your fault. you bought them the game. take it away and reclaim your family. be a parent.

take the fish off your car. at least then, Jesus won't get blamed for your lack of driving skills.

take a stand. be about something. stop letting politicians decide your faith. don't whore yourself out just because of your lack of conviction on issues. Jesus is not a republican...or democrat.

read your Bible. with your family.

stop complaining about your church. don't like it? go somewhere else. stop settling for a community...make one happen. work at it.

pray for your pastor. don't like what he says, you probably are being convicted, if not...find a place where you will.

tithe. to many churches are under budget because you don't tithe. the ones who give the least gripe the most.

the church is not your personal agenda store with monthly sales that put your agenda out for everyone to like. join in on what God is doing. if your church is about anything less than God...find another one.

God does not offer you relief from life. He offers Himself. I would Rather have Him than anything.

for you to believe that God actually wants you to be more successful financially while He was supported by a group of women (Luke 8) sounds more like culture than Gospel. try telling those believers in Darfure and Somalia and other regions of Africa that God wants them to be financially secure and see how that is received.

God is the God of His Earth. His might and mercy know no country or nation. His tenderness and love are not a north American thought. He is God of all.

whether you believe God chose us before the foundations of the world does not change the fact.

whether you submit to His authority as sovereign ruler of the universe does not change the fact that he is God. grab your right knee. fell how it is bent. recognize how the curve of the knee supports the leg. then realize you will bow before His greatness.

that ought to do it for now...


Anonymous said...

these were really, really good - are they all yours, originally?

(first time commenter, long-time lurker...)

Remnant Sons MC said...

I guess they are mine...
a few years of seeing, hearing and watching. funny how much we see, or don't see when we work at the church.

thanks for dropping by...


Gigi said...

I linked you.........thanks for the words you made me squirm ......