
Porn, the Heiress, and Purpose driven life.

I, along with the majority of men, have had my bout with porn. Moved past it, by His hand. This morning before we went to church, we watched in comical disbelief as High Society's Gloria Vanderbilt described her book and mentioned with great pride the number of times she had romances with married men, and countless romantic interludes during her 82 years of life.

now, before I sound to harsh, let me say this...You gotta be freaking kidding me!

what the hell happened to our value system? We have certainly gotten out of line.

it seems as though if you are wealthy, extremely wealthy, it is ok by society's standards to live like a slut and be called daring and edgy. Especially if there is some kind of art involved. After all, she was just looking for the love of her mother she never received.

however, it seems less artistic when a poor woman who lives in poverty and has no hope lives the same way. By the same way, sleeping around, ruining marriages, and destroying homes.

this broad should have been on Jerry Springer telling her tale of immoral activity, but we have celebrated her on a major news program, just because she is who she is.

say what you want, but the bottom line is this...When rich folks are involved in porn, we want to see it, hear about it, listen to it and see it again. Paris Hilton, Tommy Lee and Pamela Anderson...You get the picture.

poor folks on the other hand, seem to be less interesting when it comes to there porn.

I am simply amazed at what we have become.

the next news was how "Purpose driven life" has become our new BIBLE. They have set up tables outside church to sell products before and after service. YEA market driven church. I wonder how many of the churches that went through that still respond how I heard one pastor respond..."Giving is up and so is attendance...It can't be all bad." I wonder how many pastors are still wearing the same kind of shirts old Rick wears?

we got to worship this morning and the message was on John 2 and Jesus cleaning out the Temple. it kinda freaked me out but I am sure it was just a coincidence. After all, we don't sell stuff at church...We don't do anything that would distract from what God intended the church to be...Right?

Just another commentary on life here in Beautiful South East Florida.


Velasque said...

hi .....my church also did the purpose driven life....we did it together as a family...


my church does that, serve one and attend one....

regarding porn...i guess this is the only way that woman could find satisfation....

rich people already have money, they have the public and they need more to satisfy themselves, that would be sleeping around.....

DD said...

" she was just looking for the love of her mother she never received."

Waaah! LOL!
Very good post, insightful and I agree.

Anonymous said...

The void. Whether you're a Vanderbilt or a Hatfield or McCoy...it looks the same. People just trying to fill it up anyway they can.....drugs, money, sex, food, shopping, work. Whether you have a $150 an hour therapist trying to help you figure it out or the best you can do is Dr. Phil in the afternoon.....it's that damn void. Not surprising that us regular folks want to look in on the lives of the rich and famous to see that they are just as screwed up as everyone else....proves that money really can't fill it up....the void. Of course, us Christians never struggle with this stuff, right? course not. I feel for Ms. Vanderbilt, not only that she's wasted her life in the pursuit of empty pleasure, given her body away to anyone.....but that by 82 she hasn't learned what it looks like to make a fool of herself.

As for the Purpose Driven Life.....maybe it should be subtitled "10 easy steps to fill up that damn void"

As for me, just give me Jesus.....well, most of the time.

Rambling Rose Cottage said...

I can't stand Purpose Driven Life either. I tried to read it but I found it rather trite.