
What i like about you...

had a moment the other day when it hit me.

i love church.

through the years i have realized that even when i struggled with my place, my purpose, lack of leadership, difference of idea, strategy...all these issues, my love for the bride has really never been shaken.

the connections we have made remain pure and wondrous. even now, after 6 months, we love it here, it really feels like home. and for us, home is where we are.

the bride still amazes me. made up of people who are different, carrying agenda, afraid, not transparent, doubters, sinners, saints, liars and leavers, righteous, holy, truth seekers, lost, far from God, and followers of the way. she is truly my delight.

all this came in a moment when i saw 2 people who i had never met. they smiled and said "hello, we are so glad to see you today."

she is beautiful in all her ways, the vehicle He has chosen to change the world. full of moderns, post-moderns, emergent, traditional, contemporary, liturgical, old school, and new school. marvolous, and full of opportunity and power. the very hand, feet and heart beat of the great God of Israel.

yea, i love her.


1 comment:

Gigi said...

me too....
I fight it, I surrender to it and I fight it again....SHE is beautiful