
justice served?

he was sentenced today. plea was accepted, 2-3 years in a high risk program with intence counseling.

he got off pretty good. should he have been tried as an adult, he would have served 20 years min. his dad has blamed the victims family oddly enough. he thinks they should have stopped it.
not much empathy for the vic. which is quite alarming to me. but eveybody has some blame to pass around.

we are constantly looking for some one to blame for our actions. so much so, we dig deep down in our souls to find a mistreatment, a lack of concern, a moment that would seem to send one off the edge and plumeting down the rabbit hole.

the inner workings of the universe and the ramifications of choices we make seldom give the reason we seek for situations such as these and those in VA. most are left to wonder about the purpose of it all, seldom looking past our own sin and the sand in which we have placed our head.

we blame eveyone but ourselves. we blame god for hunger, death, disasters, and even broken marriages.

we sue for accountability in the market place when we do something stupid like use a hair dryer in the tub, becasue we did not see a warning on the item.
we sue for coffee being to hot and complain when it is to cold.
we blame culture for porn and masterbate over the images in our computer.
we sue a gun maker and pity the shooter.
we sue the beer maker and blame the drunkedness on disease.

all the while seeking justice for everyone but ourselves. we don't deserve this pain, this hurt, this wheel chair, this disease, this std, this pregnancy.

i above all am worthy of death. it is but by the grace that he has so lavishly poured out on me that i can stand humbley and pray in his presence. it is by the sacrifice of another that i can come boldy yet with much respect bowed prostrate before him. it is only getting from him what he should have reserved for his son and giving his son what should have been reserved for me that i can have hope.

the whimisical way in which we approach him saddens me. we trifle with his goodness, and his godness and even his mercy, trying to fit him into a lesser role so we can justify our attitudes and actions.

no answers to this, just faith. no faces to blame, just hope. no bragging, just grace. broken lives hanging on to the only one who can hold.

she is still the light. there was a time when i threw stones and spoke of her with disdain. it was my own doing that caused me to spew insults at her and in my greed and pride hold myself up as right. it is not the case any longer. she is beautiful in all her ways. she and only she is the true tool from which this world will know him. with out her authority and blessing all we try to accomplish outsider her blessing is for personal and ideological gain. she is the hands and feet of him so sent her. for her presence here in the darkness i am eternally grateful.

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