
True Equality

Probably one of the last places in this country where people cannot get over by who they know, where they live, how much money they have, or what kind of car they drive, is the Drivers license office.

Today I sat and was amazed at the different people who came through that office. Rich, poor, black, white, brown, yellow, young, old...They all were there. And no matter who they were before they came in that office, they, we, were all reduced to a number when we sat down.

next to me was a man from India, or someplace who smelled like BO, or strong onions. On the otherside was a wanna be rapper. Across from me was a nicely dressed woman and her preppie son. A Spanish man and his wife sat quietly main g no eye contact with anyone. An old man was talking to any one who would listen. We were all brought together for a moment in time for the same purpose. Driving.

I thought about all my years as a minister and professional Christian. Each Sunday and Wed I was with so many different types of people, but mostly the same color, for a purpose. But then I realized how many times I had come to church with my own agenda. Sucking up to certain people to get something, playing the game. Then I realized that if I had done this, others must have to. Thinking the agenda was the same, but now understanding that most of the time I had come not to see Jesus, but to fulfill a certain duty or get something for my self.

every body there today was there to get or fix their driving priveledges. All I needed to do was change the address on mine, but the same was true.

Salvation is a common need for all people. Color, creed, standing in the community does not matter. Today was a big deal for me. All my life I have gone to churches with white bread middle class people. No color in the crowd but blue...(hair) if we are all as believers going to worship around the throne of God, why not get a jump on that?

My thinking has been challenged. Just by getting my drivers license changed.

what is it going to take for us all to wake up to the inclusiveness of the Gospel?


lee said...

no doubt bro...

lately i've run the risk of going to far the other way tho...

hangin' w/folks or seeking them out just 'cause they're not me...

i.e. black, gay, etc. etc...

which isn't a bad thing per se, if i didn't hang on to the memories & make much of them like trophies & the like...

i'll have to tell you 1 day 'bout my nite pre-dennis that i spent w/my gay co-worker...

see what i mean, i can't even say something without using the label for emphasis...

maybe i'm making to much of this, maybe not...

either way, my heart hurts as i read this, 'cause i've been staying w/the folks & mom tells me that they've been looking for a new church...after 30 yrs @ tbc & didn't know if they could go to the 1st church 'cause the preacher there adopted a black child...

how's that for true equality?

Anonymous said...

Interesting thoughts on the DL office.......

The DL office story has some similarities to the foot of the cross.....we're all equal there but, thank goodness it doesn't mirror salvation.

I'd hate to lose my salvation for the 5 speeding tickets.

"What is it going to take for us to wake up to the inclusiveness of the gospel"?..................................................................... I think we've been awake in our heads about that question but...... our hearts are very slow to follow.

So hear it is:

God's holy spirit still works in the hearts and lives of the followers of Christ to undo the Learned patterns of discrimination that our forefathers, our culture, etc... have dished.

And further more:

We will NEVER have earthly equality, it's been tried for centuries in cultures that span the globe.... but heaven ? aha thats another story.

Keep the Faith Primal and swing for the fence with Mike, this is..................................bad sneakers, over and out.