
Cuban cigars

I read an article about a youth group that ministered in an inner city. Good stuff. It is cool to hear of a youth guy who has missions and actually sharing the Gospel as a priority. Funny though, so many youth groups are expected to do that...But so many pastors go a year and never share the Gospel.

The article mentioned this phrase..."When God shows up."

no knock on the writer, cause I have used this phrase many times, as have many others. But as I read, I was reminded of David. "Where can I go from Your presence?"
Truth is, it is not God who shows up, it is us. He is already there...Preparing, moving, loving, healing and saving. We just get to see it happen.

I had a conversation with a true thinker today. A man who is not satisfied with milk toast faith. These men are not many in numbers. Most of us (me too) are not interested in the real emphasis of being a people of God, we just want blessings personally. Corperately, as a people of God we are brain dead. But, after all God loves you...And that includes your mind. I long for the day when I can love Him with all that I am, including the mind that seems to be filled with stuff that will make MY life better...Protect MY family...Keep Me from hardships...Give ME a good day. You get the picture.

This week, there will continue to be more arguing and trash talking about something that has not yet happened than concern about lost souls. I wish we as a people of God would be more concerned about those who live and die with out Jesus than a supreme court nominee. Hey...Is that you in that political picture? Or is that you at visitation? Or maybe that is you at the shelter...

I have learned more about relaxation by being at a minor league ball game than from anything I have done.

it is possible we have now become what fear most? Ineffective? Irrelevant? I was such a huge advocate of technology in ministry, yet now I fear that I may have tried to create an atmosphere of eye candy rather than give Scripture it's place...

Billy Graham is a democrat! HAHAHAHA!!! That messed up a large number of right winger evangelical. Funny...Could Jesus really not be republican? Will the heavens split open and the waters dry up? Stay tuned...Clinton is a Southern Baptist...Just goes to show ya. Politics and religion. You never know.

Why is it that all these so called prophets and televangelists claim to have the answers to health, success and happiness, yet, they sell their wares? If it will really change our lives...As a believer, shouldn't it be free??? Why is there no faith healers in the emergency room? And why, someone please tell me why do they have the combover? Can't Jesus heal that???

I took a look back today. If I were to die tonight, I am content with my life. coulda done more, said more, but I have loved deeply, been loved passionately and have had the opportunity to do what I love. My life is good. My wife is a wonder, my kids are grown and know Jesus, and I have grandchildren. Smoked a Cuban cigar, tasted some fine brew, tasted great food, seen many magnificent places on His creation and have been blessed with some great friends. From this point on...Every thing else is gravy. Thanks for this life Lord.


Anonymous said...

The race is far from over my friend. There are to many souls left to wander, which one will we choose. The guy who cuts us off in traffic, the girl behind the counter at the convenience store, our neighbor, our friend,......a family member.

God's best work through you may very well be over the next hill. If we exist to glorify our magnificent creator then lets continue to paint that glorius picture of him through the art of our lives.

Don't be counted among the timid souls who lead lives of quiet desperation. Push On!!

Democrats , Republicans, Libertarians, socialists, communists, passifists, marxist........they are all idea's....

I have an idea:
lets go to the new testament and gather some ideas from the creator of the greatest idea.... the gospels. We would probably find a little bit of all the ideas wrapped up in the main idea.

Many thanks to you, primal experiment, you keep the pot stirred on the cultural christianity soup while holding the mirror for us to groom.

By the way, Give us some stories about the people that you've witnessed too on occasion.... the encouragement would be helpful

Panmillennial said...

Great Post Bro!

God is continuing to show me what is important. I hate the political games in society or in the church. Your right about the whole life thing. I’m ready.