
Beyond theory to cold hard fact

When I began doing this whole blog deal, it really was an experiment. The plan was for the first time, and this sounds so weird, to actually trust Jesus for every need, follow His leading, listen for His voice in all situations, and use scripture for more than just a devotional book so I could have a good day.

because our church plant is so intertwined in this whole experiment, it became evident that something cool could happen. IF and I repeat IF, I could truly submit in humility, give when told to give, speak when told to speak, seek Him with a true honest desire to gain Him and not some financial success, be ready to confess sin, keep the communication open with others and live a free life with no bounds set but by Jesus Himself...The I could trust Him to care for and meet the needs of my family and His church.

all that was a theory. After all, I have heard most of that most of my life. Except of my responsibility. I have always been told Jesus would care for us, meet our needs. But all the stuff I was told and taught never dealt with my part. Faith in action. Seeking with a true heart. Loving with honesty. Meeting needs as a tool in the hands of the actual need meeter.

theory has been changed to fact. 4 months of seeking, trusting, struggling, going with out wants, but not with out need, swallowing pride, helping meet the needs for others, meeting people I would not normally have met, seeing Jesus actually meet our own needs week after week.

all this has been a pruning of sorts. A cleansing, a decompression.

as difficult as the process has been, I prefer the active God who is closer now than 10 years of professional ministry. I prefer the God of the moment rather than the planned out god. I prefer the closeness of Jesus rather than the theoretical Jesus.

yes Virginia, Jesus is real. He meets the needs of His children. He still speaks to us, inspite of what the religious will tell you. He does not tell you that life with Him will be easy and with out struggle. As a matter of fact, He warns us not to make a rash decision in regards to following Him. But oh the life! A life of service, a life of Love, a life of unbelievable purpose! True intimacy.

on with the revolution!

1 comment:

lee said...

He speaks...(the capital H is due a very capital being rather than because it begins a sentence...

this is so friggin' weird...

i was just about to post about why we do all this...bloggin' junk...

is it seeking approval & acceptence from our fellow man or does it run deeper than that...

i must admit, i get a rush from words of approval & often seek them in what i do, but...i would hope that my words are a natural over flowing of His speaking to me, rather than my own egotistical motives...

perhaps all IS vanity...

i hope not...