
Bargain shoppers at the mall of critical thinking

Lately, I have turned into a talk radio junkie. But not the ones which you may think. Rush has become a bore. I am convinced Jesus is not a republican. Neal Boortz is good, but my favorite is Real Radio out of Orlando. I laugh uncontrollably and get so angry in a few minutes of listening.

I like it because the topics make me think.

Most of the ramblings found here and other places I write are simply my take on certain things. Scripture, The Bride, friendships, marriage and mostly, my life.

I heard this quote yesterday on my way back to Ocala. "Bargain shoppers at the mall of critical thinking" and as usual, it got me thinking.

we are a culture of deals. The best price for the best product. I have a friend who loves that. It is an art to him. He will go out of his way to pursue the deal. Always looking for the deal. Give and take.

in the realm of critical thinking, most Christians are bargain shoppers. Not looking for the best product, but settling for the one less sought after. The ease in which we as believers have been led in to the pasture of easy living, easy believing, easy faith is amazing. Rather than critically thinking about certain issues and situations, we make it easy for the common believer to be less than willing to search the scripture to uncover the Truth. This is one reason why 3/4 of believers do not treasure scripture.

We are easily critical about those who would be willing to challenge the status quo, but not in our thinking. We criticize others for the audacity for going against the flow of bargain faith shoppers. Yet, we offer no relevant thought on the subject. The mainstream thought from most believers on any serious issue that is clearly dealt with in scripture is to begin the discussion with the words that resonate from the halls of academia..."Well, I think..."

for what ever the reason, we have checked our minds at the door of the church. Left to sit and soak up the thoughts of the pastor, the teacher and the surroundings. Sadly, not much is being said that warrants actual critical thinking. I listen to pastors who give devotional thoughts rather than scriptural truths that cause one to think and tremble at the Truth of God. So, we are partly to blame for the current situation.

God help us to love you with our minds. Help us to fill our thoughts with the wonder and amazement that is You.

1 comment:

lee said...

nobody's interested in a holistic approach to the love of an unbelievable God...i can't understand it...

i don't know if it's ignorance, impotence or flat out insouciance...

all i do know, is that it is not an option...