
American idiot

as has been the habit of my home the last 2 years, we began las evening with the anticipation of yet a new season of American Idol.

it has been fun in the past. fun watching folks with talent get a shot, and deep inside, fun watching people who are delusional come to hear truth about their lack of talent.

but I fear I may have lost a portion of my intelligence over the last nights.

as Americans, we have become so full of self desires for fame and fortune that we have whored ourselves out for the price of 2 min of retardation.

I can't help but think that we do the same in our houses of worship.

we go each week thinking one way but being seen as another.

we hide our true selves with veils that cannot keep His roaming eye from peering in.

I troll the blogosphere looking for a nugget to nibble on...yet am quick to go simon on self diluted believers who have not a clue of a holy God nor a sacrificial life...much less a heritical faith.

I laugh at those who are self medicating on the mirror each day.

yet, tonight I stood in front of 70 students and spoke passionately about living an inspired life.

the world auditions for me each day and I pass judgement on their worth.

I am not sure who is more diluted.

me for my arrogance...

or those who I watched on TV tonight.


Gigi said...

I like your use of the word diluted .....

~pen~ said...

this was very powerful and honest.