
Words of unity

There is a lot of discussion in our country and our churches for that matter, about unity. We must come together for a common purpose and goal to be effective.

these words echo in multi million dollar cooperation's, educational institutions, locker room speeches, and video rental stores.

it is clear, unity brings strength and focus.

as I surfed through the several hundred channels on my TV, preparing for a full day of college football and snacking, I came across an event on C-Span called the Million More Movement. A celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Million Man March, which was organized by the Right Mininster Louis=s Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam.

Back ground.

I am from Mississippi. Therefore, I, and most of my family, not all, but most, were or are racists. Jesus has set me free from that, and loving people regardless of skin color has become a part of my life.

as I watched and listened, what I learned was very profound.

I watched as clergy from almost every faith were presented, each touting their dedication to their race, their rescue of those suffering from Katrina and Rita. Each giving respect and love and Honor to the leader of the movement.

besides the clergy, various leaders of various seperatist movements, whose sole aim seems to be separation and destruction of the oppression by any means needed.

as leaders came forward, they began to mention in the same breath, with the same honor, Allah, Jehovah, and God. All seemingly flowing from the same truth and understanding.

regarless of what I may think of this event, this doctrine they teach, they have a unity we will never understand. their unity comes from oppression as a race of people. they have laid aside purity of doctrinal teaching about the exclusivity of Jesus Christ to come together for a common purpose. overcoming oppression.

Because I am an American, and a southern man, I am proud of my country. I am not proud of how we as a nation have opressed Black folks, Native American, immigrants, women and children in our racist past.

having said that, lets us jump to the point.

Because we speak of unity in the church, let me make one thing clear.
The Church, set in place by God the Father, cleansed by the atonal sacrificial death of Jesus Christ, and guided by the Holy Spirit, can not stand in unity with any movement, and faith, any person that does not have faith in the exclusivity of Jesus Christ as the only way to Salvation.

no matter how many covenants we speak of, no matter how we are ridiculed, no matter how we may offend those we are trying to reach...

God does not have the name Allah. He is not the same God under a different name. All roads do not lead to the same God. We are not all moving toward the same understanding on a spiritual plane.

even though the American Church has become one of many places of worship, along side various temples and other establishments, and we may seem to be in competition for the same people, so that we may justify salaries and programs, Salvation comes from Jesus and Jesus alone.

we must not compromise on this issue. But alas, I fear we have already lost the influence that once help shape a generation.

we have placed our faith in a political party to change culture and legislate morality rather than stand on Biblical principals and understanding.

Our President (and affiliated political parties)
who reside in Washington,
much is our dedication.
A second terms has come
can we hang on
to give us more legislation?
Give this day a Supreme court justice
that will over turn abortion
and we will give you allegance
from our pulpits.
look not upon our lives and how we live,
and we will vote for you
when the democrats rise again.


Anonymous said...
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jimmy said...


Remnant Sons MC said...

"Jesus, i think was the greatest example of this. when questioned, he would speak in a manner that left his accusers to reconcile for themselves their actions, and or beliefs."

read the Gospels a little clearer bro. Jesus hammered the religious not the lost.

people loved Him cause He spoke the truth to them, offered God not a testimony. He was real and honest and lived a life that backed up his speaking.

most of the problem you speak of lie in believers not willing to love folks enough to be exclusive about Jeus. so they beat around the whole issue so as to make Jesus and the Church cool.

just because I am honest with people about Jesus being the only way to salvation, it does not mean I have no compassion.

remember, Jesus left John the Baptist in Jail. He did not go after the rich youg ruler.

do not compare compassion with understanding

if we fail in this issue, we have become no more that the cults that are already making claims about Jesus as one way to heaven. placing allah on the same level as God the Father.

Remnant Sons MC said...

please do not take offence at my words.

I get a little weird when it comes to Jesus.

I believe that He turned more people away than He welcomed in to the Faith in the Gospels because they were not ready. He was constantly warning people of the life of sacrifice and commitment He was calling them to. but for us, and most, we want to believe in a Jesus that overlooks non commitment and just wants to stand in a circle singing Kum byya.

Yes, He loves us as we are. but thankfully, He does not expect us to stay that way. truth be known, we don't need to rededicate, we need a kick in the arse to get off the fence we so easily ride in our mundane and lazy faith.

It seems to me that the church, Amercian Church mostly, has gotten away from dealing with the exclusive nature of Jesus by opting for more of a seeker mentality.

which in itself is another story. one cannot seek unless he is drawn. so it is not about the seeker but the one who draws him.

but, we are here for good honest dialogue. in all our back grounds from different parts of the country and different Churches, I long for the untamed primal instinct that comes from a no box thought process that questions everything... and this is placed in the hearts of men by One who thought it up, set it up and keeps it up even today.

question every thing. or die. a slow boring non adventurous life.