
looking ahead while remembering what is behind.

while i ride, i keep a sharp eye in my rear view mirror. having some one sneak up and catch you off guard is dangerous. i pay attention. if i don't, things can go wrong. look ahead and look behind.

each week i speak to a group of Middle school Students. it is not the easiest thing i do as a student ministries pastor. my strengths tend to be more evident when dealing with HS and college students.

ms (middle school) students have changed over the years. more defiant, more arrogant, more apathetic to the things of faith. this is the worst i have seen it in 13 years of student ministry. theay are the direct representation of the coming culture change.

don't mis-understand what i am going to say here. i love these kids and enjoy what i do, but the situation is more and more dire.

there has never been a group where the lack of true parental concern and involvement than the middle school students in this country.


we are reaping what we are sowing.

meaning. we are obsessed with sex as a nation. every commercial break there is advertising for drugs for erectile dis function. and we wonder why our children are pregnant and having sex at such an early age. the fact they go to church makes no difference. sadly, christian marriages are no better off statistically than those who are outside the church. so commitment is a major issue.

respect for the things of God are fading in children because they fade in their parents.
passion for faith fades in children because their parents have no passion.
parents have no concern for the gospel and they pass this on to their kids. not by what they say, but by what they do not do.

we as a people better get hold of this situation.
we are raising a generation of people who have no concern and no clue about the ramifications of arrogance and immorality on the culture in which we live.
it is not the world that need wake from its slumber but the church of the living God.

there is hope because we are the church. we are the message of change and life.
there is hope because there are guys like nate and bobby who have given their lives to teach these kids. people like anna who have decided it is important that these kids know jesus and make him known.

is it difficult? hell yes.

it is worth it? heavens yes.

are we in crisis? hell yes.

should we give up? heavens no.


Panmillennial said...


It is even scarier dealing with the kids that are not in church. I fear we will pay dearly for the neglect of God. Yet I have hope because under persecution the true church grows.


Gigi said...

we can't give away what we don't have.....parents need to realize that....I agree.