before you go and get all "brother, it would serve you best if you would not curse" on me, you gotta hear this story.
our church is in the throws of what we are calling The Summer of Service. not original. borrowed it, as most good baptists do, from another church.
we bought 10,000 bottles of water to give away this summer. no cards, three fold pamphlets, to give out with the water, just a no strings attached way to meets one of life's basic needs...thirst. we have been to the beach, last week me and the yutes went to a skate deal with hard core bands, and every thursday we go down town jensen beach to this deal called "jammin in Jensen." it is a street party of sorts, crafts, music, know the deal.
as I have always been in the habit of doing, I use these opportunities to dialogue with folks about their thoughts on salvation and the church. I get good answers, and bad ones. many of the things I write about here come from some of these answers.
I see these 2 guys coming from about 50 yards away. black, metal studs, nasty looking, tall mohawk, and carrying a guitar. I thought it was Moses at first. they seemed to spliting the crowd as they came towards me.
I like talking to guys klike this more than the blue button down and khaki wearing folks that seem to have become the poster boys for good clean christian fun. they seem more honest to me. almost daring you to comment on their attire.
so I say..."excuse me guys, how about a cold bottle of water?"
"sweet!" one says, "we just walked 6 miles to get here so we can do some street perfoming to get some cash so we can eat."
the smell of cigarettes and BO was oozing from them as they wiped the sweat from their foreheads.
I asked them to give me an honest answer to a question.
"what is the first things that comes to mind when you hear the"
mohawk guy, who goes by "mad dog" says, "don't think much about it. never really got into it. not my thing."
metal guy, whose name is preston, says "dude, the church is the shit! I am totally into it. I am catholic, and I really dig the structure."
so, you are a regular attender? I asked
naaa. they dont really like the way I look there. so I mostly just feel it, you know?
by the way, he forgot the words to a neil young. song. I put in a 5er and told him to buy the sheet music and learn the words.
here are what others had to say about the church, and its impact on them and their lives...
I guess, If I grew up going, I would go now.
I was good whan I was younger, but not so much lately.
not really interested.
my mom goes, but not me.
its good and all, but not much interesting stuff for me.
I practice church in my heart.
people need to be in church.
over all we need church, but I am so busy.
I realized to night what a cold bottle of water can do for someone who is thirsty. I realized tonight, what people need is to know we are full of more than talk about stuff, but our words are backed up by actions. I realized tonight, just how much I used to smell whan I smoked. can't really say I loved these guys. but i was moved to act. it kinda freaked them out.
Sheri and I gave the 2 freaks a ride home. bought them some supper, and shared christ. 2 of the most polite, well manored, cussing every other word young men I have ever met. it was a pleasure to have met them.
seeds I guess.
but as we talked to a couple of drunks, some bikers, and some church folks, people are keenly aware of our agendas.
I am not sure if the church is the shit or not.
I am sure we were the church tonight. and I am sure we are more the church when we are mobile. I am sure we are more like jesus intended when we meet a need rather than gathering committees to talk about it. I am sure we are more like jesus when we give out a cold drink in His name, or a burger, or even a pretzel.
bizarre though. been on staff at churches for about 10 years. never felt like I was the church till tonight. the Spirit has loossed something in me during the past few weeks. feel like I lost some weight.
anybody wanna go?
we got plenty of water.