

Things have got out of hand.

I was wrong for lashing out at the hidden ones. it is their right to be such.

if I have offended anyone, I apologize.

if you were hurt, I seek your forgiveness.

dialogue is not worth this. my words have been a judgement on myself more than anyone.

open and transparent writing has become the target of some who wish to point out everything but the point. I am cool with that. that is what it is there for. however, it seems as though we are headed down the road that leads to something other than dialogue.

for that...I am sorry...and done


Remnant Sons MC said...

it is not the outsiders viewpoint that has caused the problems here. but the insiders.

non believers are easier to talk to, and deal with, simply becasue there is an understanding of the chasm that seperates us.

Panmillennial said...

Wow, it has been getting out of hand lately, but only on the comment page. I hope you don't mean your done blogging. Dude, I look forward to being challenged every day. I'm disappointed when you don't post everyday. You know as well as I do that there will constantly be opposition and criticism. If you weren't getting "messed" with, I would question if you were really doing what Christ wanted you to do. No poop throwin here, no blowin smoke, or tryin to make you feel better, I just like your blog.


lee said...

i finally get it yella'...

u posted this on april fool's...

good 1...