
Life, or something very similar...

been thinking about journey lately. got some new friends who are in the oven of faith, old friends who are struggling with issues, we are in the midst...
for me, i am walking in some what of an interesting thought. where i am is where i prayed to be, but it is not what i wanted, nor is it where i wanted. but it very well may be what i needed and where i need to be. faith determines my response to that.

somewhere along the line, i realized that we are all...

dealing with faith, how to rely, how to determine, how to grow, how to keep from stagnating.

i am not sure there is any thing other than faith. it either is or it is not. i put cool words on it like primal, hard core, weak, strong, shaky. but faith is faith. we all got it (each man was given a measure of faith). some do greater things with their faith because they rely on it, work it, know it...or know him.

when upheaval arrives, i tend to shut down and concentrate on the situation. when Jesus came down from the mount and the other disciples had not been able to cast out the demon, he told them "this one comes out by prayer and fasting." then he cast it out and all was well.

notice...Jesus did not stop and pray, nor did he go on a micro fast to make his point.

his life was all about prayer, all about fasting. Why? prep for what ever came along.

i wonder if we became all about communion with God, not just like it, but like it and breathe it,

i wonder if we were all about fasting in prep for what ever came our way, i wonder if we truly sought after God rather than his gifts and what he could do in times of need?.!

what if a situation came up that required life change moves, redirection, relocation, purchases, sickness...what if we never broke stride because we were walking and talking in Jesus and we responded from the relationship we have, rather than shutting down and laser directing our faith toward that one issue?


it should be life.

maybe we are living a similar form of life but denying the power that lies in an exchange of life. mine for his.

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